BERD-NFDI / BERD-reproducible-research-course

BERD Course Booklet: Make Your Research Reproducible
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Course booklet for the BERD course "Make your research reproducible"

Welcome to the course booklet repository! :wave:

To make this booklet FAIR (finable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable), we have created an OSF entry:


This repo uses renv for dependency management.

If you haven't used renv before, install it using:


If you open the R project berd-reproducible-research-course.Rproj for the first time in RStudio, renv should be automatically activated. You are asked to install the packages listed in renv.lock:

# Bootstrapping renv 1.0.0 ---------------------------------------------------
- Downloading renv ... OK
- Installing renv  ... OK

- Project '~/edu/berd-reproducible-research-course' loaded. [renv 1.0.0]
- None of the packages recorded in the lockfile are installed.
- Using `renv::restore()` to restore the project library.
Do you want to proceed? [Y/n]: Y

Viewing the booklet

To view the booklet, please run

quarto preview .

in your terminal (while in the repository folder), or


in R.

Contributing to the booklet

The book chapters are based on the .qmd-files in the main folder of this repo.

Feel free to suggest improvements. The easiest way is if you create a fork, make your edit, and then create a pull request.

Thank you! :clap: