BFO-ontology / BFO-2020

A repository for BFO 2020 artifacts specified in ISO 21838-2:2020
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Use of continuant part of and occurrent part of #87

Open wdduncan opened 8 months ago

wdduncan commented 8 months ago

In the OWL version, the logical definition for continuant includes the (local) axiom 'continuant part of' only continuant. Since the continuant part of relation can only hold between continuants, I am wondering what work this axiom is intended to do. It seems redundant. Also, I expected to see a similar 'occurrent part of' only occurrent axiom in the logical definition of occurrent. However, there isn't one. It isn't wrong, but just makes me wonder why.

There is also not a generic part of relation. I assume this omission is intentional. Having the part of relation would permit local restrictions to be placed on the continuant and occurrent classes. E.g.:
continuant 'part of' only continuant
occurrent 'part of' only occurrent

alanruttenberg commented 8 months ago

I'm assuming you are looking at bfo-core.

There's no 'part of' because the continuant relation is a temporalized version (some time) and the occurrent version is not.

As you say, the other issues are not mistakes, just redundant, not parallel. I'll look into cleaning this up in a future release.

wdduncan commented 8 months ago

I'm assuming you are looking at bfo-core.


There's no 'part of' because the continuant relation is a temporalized version (some time) and the occurrent version is not.

continuant part of at some time is not in bfo-core.

johnbeve commented 8 months ago

continuant part of at some time is not in bfo-core.

Alan is pointing out that the object properties in bfo-core are all qualified to hold at some time which is formally weak and so provide a foundation from which to add the stronger 'all times' child object properties in extension owl files.