This repository maintains the Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) artifact conformant to the requirements specified in ISO/IEC 21838‑1 for top-level ontologies. BFO contains classes and relations representing content common to all areas of scientific investigation, e.g. object, process, etc. and is used as a top-level architecture by numerous ontologies in the Open Biomedical and Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) Foundry, the Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF), and the Common Core Ontologies suite. Ontologies conformant to BFO promote interoperability, standardization, and reuse among domain-level ontologies.
The BFO developer team have partnered with the developers of the Common Core Ontologies to hold biweekly "office hours", which meet alternate Fridays remotely for an hour starting at 11am EST. For more information see here or contact John Beverley at johnbeve[@]
These documents are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
graph LR
A(Entity):::BFO --> B(Continuant)
B(Continuant):::BFO --> D(Specifically Dependent<br> Continuant)
B(Continuant) --> E(Generically Dependent<br> Continuant):::BFO
B(Continuant) --> F(Independent<br> Continuant)
F(Independent<br> Continuant):::BFO --> G(Material Entity)
F(Independent<br> Continuant) --> H(Immaterial<br> Entity)
D(Specifically Dependent<br> Continuant):::BFO --> I(Quality)
D(Specifically Dependent<br> Continuant) --> J(Realizable<br> Entity):::BFO
I(Quality):::BFO --> K(Relational<br> Quality):::BFO
J(Realizable<br> Entity):::BFO --> L(Role):::BFO
J(Realizable<br> Entity) --> M(Disposition):::BFO
M(Disposition) --> N(Function):::BFO
H(Immaterial<br> Entity):::BFO --> O(Site):::BFO
H(Immaterial<br> Entity) --> P(Spatial<br> Region):::BFO
H(Immaterial<br> Entity) --> Q(Continuant Fiat<br> Boundary):::BFO
Q(Continuant Fiat<br> Boundary):::BFO --> R(Fiat<br> Point):::BFO
Q(Continuant Fiat<br> Boundary) --> S(Fiat<br> Surface):::BFO
Q(Continuant Fiat<br> Boundary) --> T(Fiat<br> Line):::BFO
P(Spatial<br> Region):::BFO --> VD(Zero-Dimensional<br> Spatial Region):::BFO
P(Spatial<br> Region):::BFO --> U(One-Dimensional<br> Spatial Region):::BFO
P(Spatial<br> Region):::BFO --> V(Two-Dimensional<br> Spatial Region):::BFO
P(Spatial<br> Region):::BFO --> W(Three-Dimensional<br> Spatial Region):::BFO
G(Material<br> Entity):::BFO --> X(Fiat Object Part):::BFO
G(Material<br> Entity):::BFO --> Y(Object<br> Aggregate):::BFO
G(Material<br> Entity):::BFO --> Z(Object):::BFO
A(Entity):::BFO --> C(Occurrent):::BFO
C(Occurrent):::BFO --> AA(Process):::BFO
C(Occurrent) --> AB(Process<br> Boundary):::BFO
C(Occurrent) --> AC(Temporal<br> Region):::BFO
C(Occurrent) --> AD(Spatiotemporal<br> Region):::BFO
AA(Process):::BFO --> AE(History):::BFO
AC(Temporal<br> Region):::BFO --> AF(Zero-Dimensional<br> Temporal Region):::BFO
AC(Temporal<br> Region) --> AI(One-Dimensional<br> Temporal Region):::BFO
AF(Zero-Dimensional<br> Temporal Region):::BFO --> AG(Temporal<br> Instant):::BFO
AI(One-Dimensional<br> Temporal Region):::BFO --> AH(Temporal<br> Interval):::BFO
classDef BFO fill:#F5AD27,color:#060606