BFO-ontology / BFO-2020

A repository for BFO 2020 artifacts specified in ISO 21838-2:2020
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BUG: Misuse of spatially projects onto in textual definition for occurs in #99

Open gregfowlerphd opened 4 weeks ago

gregfowlerphd commented 4 weeks ago

Describe the bug

The definition reads:

b occurs in c =Def b is a process or a process boundary & c is a material entity or site & there exists a spatiotemporal region r & b occupies spatiotemporal region r & for all time t, if b exists at t then c exists at t & there exist spatial regions s and s' where b spatially projects onto s at t & c occupies spatial region s' at t & s is a continuant part of s' at t

Let’s start with a minor issue. In the phrase 'for all time t', shouldn’t 'time' be 'times'?

Turning to the main issue: The domain and range for spatially projects onto are specified to be spatiotemporal region and spatial region, respectively. But the italicized clause indicates that it can obtain between a process or process boundary and a spatial region.

Expected behavior

I believe 'b spatially projects onto s' should be changed to 'r spatially projects onto s'. Also, 'time' should probably be changed to 'times'.

alanruttenberg commented 4 weeks ago

I concur that this is a bug and your suggested change looks correct. I will fix it in the source. There is a current issue that the published bfo-core.owl was a derived artifact but it has been edited and so has diverged. Edits will have to be made in both places for now, until the two versions are reconciled.

alanruttenberg commented 4 weeks ago

One divergance is that the original source does not use the word time, only the variables. Here's the original, corrected.

b occurs in c =Def. b is a process or a process boundary and c is a material entity or immaterial entity
& there exists a spatiotemporal region r and b occupies spatiotemporal region r
& for all t, if b exists at t then c exists at t
& there exist spatial regions s and s' where
r spatially projects onto s at t
& c occupies spatial region s' at t
& s is a continuant part of s' at t [143-BFO]