BIT-Studio-3 / Space-Rescue

Space game for PC - Student project
MIT License
5 stars 1 forks source link

Space Rescue - A Thrilling Space Adventure Game

Clean screenshot

Welcome to Space Rescue, an exciting space adventure game where you embark on a daring mission to save stranded animals from distant planets while racing against time and a looming black hole.

This project is no longer in regular development. Please see the Roadmap section for more details


Team Info

We are The Games Team! We are a team in the Bachelor of Information Technology in Otago Polytechnic Te Pūkenga. We formed and starting making the game at the start of the 2023 school year and have been working on it since then in the Studio 3 and Studio 4 classes. The team consists of:

How to play

In Space Rescue, your mission is to save animals stranded on various planets before a black hole consumes everything. To play:

  1. Download the latest version of the game from the release page.
  2. Unzip the downloaded folder and run SpaceRescue.exe.
  3. Use the controls to navigate your spacecraft, land on planets, rescue animals, and return them to the lander.
  4. Escape before the black hole's gravitational force becomes overwhelming.

The controls are shown in game when opening the menu. The current controls are as follows:

Action Key/Button
Forward W
Left A
Right D
Back S
Rolling Left Q
Rolling Right E
Looking Around Mouse movement
Speed Boost Left Shift
Escaping system / Planet Enter
Interacting Left Mouse Button
Pause Enter

Get Involved

Join the Space Rescue community and stay up to date with the latest developments, bug fixes, and upcoming features:

Build status

Create Build and Release

Known issues and limitations

Current bugs can be found on the latest release patch notes and in the issues list.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2023 Palin Wiseman, Erika Stuart, Chase Bennett-Hill, Yousef Altay

See license file for full license text

Version history

A full list of features added in each version can be seen on this page.

Some of the most important changes for each update are as follows:

Version Release Date Features
v1.0.0 17/03/2023 Initial release with basic gameplay mechanics
v1.1.0 31/03/2023 Black hole and main menu
v1.2.0 28/04/2023 Navigation system, pausing, and restarting
v1.3.0 12/05/2023 Tutorial, new black hole visuals, new controls display
v1.4.0 28/05/2023 Player ship model, new planet models, on planet gameplay added
v1.5.0 12/06/2023 Partial support for different aspect ratios, ship boosters, animal pathfinding, new tutorial UI
v1.6.0 01/08/2023 Gravity added, planet orbit, new HUD, new title screen
v1.7.0 15/08/2023 Planet orbit improved, more HUD improvements, new pause screen, planet gameplay rework
v1.8.0 29/08/2023 New End Screen Menu, animal behaviour improvements, wider variety of planet textures
v1.9.0 12/09/2023 Boost speed increased, on planet UI, new planet scanning information
v1.10.0 10/10/2023 Expanded planet visuals, correct visuals in planet exploration, music and sound effects, new in planet models, improved planet information panel
v2.0.0 24/10/2023 More threatening black hole, new names for planets and animals, improved information panels


The 2.0.0 update is the last regular one as the school year has now finished. There may be infrequent fixes and improvements in the future. If you want to continue the development of the game feel free to make a fork or request access to make a branch!


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated team members and mentors who have contributed to Space Rescue's development. Special thanks to Elise Allen, Paul Admiraal, Martin Junek, and Adon Moskal for their guidance, support, and creative input.



"New Direction" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

"Phantom from Space" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

"Jellyfish in Space" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

"Space 1990" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Sound Effects