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Error while running opticks raindrop test #67

Open plexoos opened 1 month ago

plexoos commented 1 month ago
$ /esi/opticks/g4cx/tests/ run


2024-05-13 14:14:17.844 ERROR [1115] [QSim::UploadComponents@156]  icdf null, snam::ICDF icdf.npy
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'OPTIX_Exception'
  what():  OPTIX_ERROR_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND: Optix call 'optixInit()' failed: /esi/opticks/CSGOptiX/

/esi/opticks/g4cx/tests/ line 169:  1115 Aborted                 (core dumped) $bin
/esi/opticks/g4cx/tests/ : run error
plexoos commented 1 month ago

After fixing #69 the output (with yet another error) looks like this:

$ /esi/opticks/g4cx/tests/ run
2024-05-14 20:14:53.806 INFO  [795] [G4CXApp::Create@334] U4Recorder::Switches

 Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-01-patch-02 [MT]   (15-June-2023)
                       Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
                      References : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
                                 : IEEE-TNS 53 (2006), 270-278
                                 : NIM A 835 (2016), 186-225
                             WWW :

2024-05-14 20:14:53.826 INFO  [795] [SEvt::HighLevelCreate@1207]  g4state_rerun_id -1 alldir ALL0 alldir0 ALL0 seldir SEL0 rerun 0
SEvt::HighLevelCreate g4state_rerun_id -1 alldir ALL0 alldir0 ALL0 seldir SEL0 rerun 0
G4CXApp::InitSensDet sdn PMTSDMgr sd YES
U4SensitiveDetector::Desc INSTANCES YES num_instance 1
  0 : PMTSDMgr

2024-05-14 20:14:53.830 INFO  [795] [G4CXApp::Construct@165] [
U4VolumeMaker::PV name RaindropRockAirWater
2024-05-14 20:14:53.831 INFO  [795] [G4CXApp::Construct@177]  fPV universe_pv
2024-05-14 20:14:53.831 INFO  [795] [G4CXApp::Construct@179] ]
U::Resolve token [PMTSimParamData_BASE] does not resolve 
SNameOrder::Desc tail 0x
   0 :                                medium_container_bs :                                medium_container_bs

stree::init_material_mapping level > 1 [0] desc_mt 
stree::desc_mt mtname 4 mtname_no_rindex 2 mtindex 4 mtline 4 0 3
 i   0 mtindex   3 mtline  15 mtname G4_WATER
 i   1 mtindex   2 mtline  11 mtname G4_AIR
 i   2 mtindex   1 mtline   7 mtname G4_Pb
 i   3 mtindex   0 mtline   0 mtname VACUUM

U4Tree::init U4Tree::desc
 st Y
 top Y
 sid Y
 level 0
 lvidx 4
 pvs 4
 materials 4
 surfaces 1
 solids 4
 enable_osur YES
 enable_isur YES

 sensor_id.size 0
 sensor_count 0
 sensor_name.size 0
 edge            0
 num_nd          4
 num_nd_sensor   0
 num_sid         0
stree::desc_sensor_id sensor_id.size 0
2024-05-14 20:14:55.606 ERROR [795] [QSim::UploadComponents@156]  icdf null, snam::ICDF icdf.npy
2024-05-14 20:14:57.253 INFO  [795] [SBT::createGAS@298]  WITH_SOPTIX_ACCEL  gas_idx 0 trimesh NO  label 4:VACUUM_solid
2024-05-14 20:14:57.256 INFO  [795] [SBT::createHitgroup@890]  WITH_SOPTIX_ACCEL 
2024-05-14 20:14:57.258 INFO  [795] [G4CXOpticks::setGeometry@245] CSGOptiX::Desc Version 7 PTXNAME CSGOptiX7 GEO_PTXNAME - NOT:WITH_CUSTOM4 
2024-05-14 20:14:57.258 INFO  [795] [G4CXOpticks::SaveGeometry@515]  save to dir /home/dmitri/.opticks/GEOM/RaindropRockAirWater configured via envvar G4CXOpticks__SaveGeometry_DIR
2024-05-14 20:14:57.258 INFO  [795] [G4CXOpticks::saveGeometry@473] [ /home/dmitri/.opticks/GEOM/RaindropRockAirWater
G4CXOpticks::saveGeometry [ /home/dmitri/.opticks/GEOM/RaindropRockAirWater
2024-05-14 20:14:57.261 INFO  [795] [U4GDML::write@285]  ekey U4GDML_GDXML_FIX_DISABLE U4GDML_GDXML_FIX_DISABLE 0 U4GDML_GDXML_FIX 1
2024-05-14 20:14:57.261 INFO  [795] [U4GDML::write_@308] [
2024-05-14 20:14:57.261 INFO  [795] [U4GDML::write_@317]  path /home/dmitri/.opticks/GEOM/RaindropRockAirWater/origin_raw.gdml exists YES rc 0
G4GDML: Writing '/home/dmitri/.opticks/GEOM/RaindropRockAirWater/origin_raw.gdml'...
G4GDML: Writing definitions...
G4GDML: Writing materials...
G4GDML: Writing solids...
G4GDML: Writing structure...
G4GDML: Writing setup...
G4GDML: Writing surfaces...
G4GDML: Writing '/home/dmitri/.opticks/GEOM/RaindropRockAirWater/origin_raw.gdml' done !
2024-05-14 20:14:57.264 INFO  [795] [U4GDML::write_@325] ]
2024-05-14 20:14:57.264 INFO  [795] [U4GDML::write@295] [ Apply GDXML::Fix  rawpath /home/dmitri/.opticks/GEOM/RaindropRockAirWater/origin_raw.gdml dstpath /home/dmitri/.opticks/GEOM/RaindropRockAirWater/origin.gdml
2024-05-14 20:14:57.270 INFO  [795] [U4GDML::write@297] ] Apply GDXML::Fix  rawpath /home/dmitri/.opticks/GEOM/RaindropRockAirWater/origin_raw.gdml dstpath /home/dmitri/.opticks/GEOM/RaindropRockAirWater/origin.gdml
2024-05-14 20:14:57.277 INFO  [795] [U4Physics::ConstructOp@267] U4Physics::desc
                     U4Physics__ConstructOp_Cerenkov_DISABLE : 0
                U4Physics__ConstructOp_Scintillation_DISABLE : 0
                 U4Physics__ConstructOp_OpAbsorption_DISABLE : 0
                   U4Physics__ConstructOp_OpRayleigh_DISABLE : 0
            U4Physics__ConstructOp_OpBoundaryProcess_DISABLE : 0
           U4Physics__ConstructOp_OpBoundaryProcess_LASTPOST : 0
                       U4Physics__ConstructOp_FastSim_ENABLE : 0

Local_DsG4Scintillation::Local_DsG4Scintillation level 0 verboseLevel 0
2024-05-14 20:14:57.277 INFO  [795] [U4Physics::ConstructOp@310]  fBoundary 0x55e4f5b5cbd0
2024-05-14 20:14:57.277 INFO  [795] [G4CXApp::G4CXApp@160] 
$Name: geant4-11-01-patch-02 [MT]$ (15-June-2023)U4Recorder::Switches

2024-05-14 20:14:57.277 INFO  [795] [G4CXApp::BeamOn@343] [ OPTICKS_NUM_EVENT=1

-------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
*** G4Exception : em0006
      issued by : G4SeltzerBergerModel::FindDirectoryPath()
Environment variable G4LEDATA not defined
*** Fatal Exception *** core dump ***
 **** Track information is not available at this moment
 **** Step information is not available at this moment

-------- EEEE -------- G4Exception-END --------- EEEE -------

*** G4Exception: Aborting execution ***
/esi/opticks/g4cx/tests/ line 169:   795 Aborted                 (core dumped) $bin
/esi/opticks/g4cx/tests/ : run error