BONSAMURAIS / yasgui-query-interface

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This is the yasgui query interface which is used for querying the BONSAI database. The interface uses the yasgui interface, and is built using javascript.


The yasgui requires no installation. The index.html file should just be placed in the srv/import/vsp folder.

Inserting new queries

To insert new template queries, first create a new option for the select element with id queryTemplate.

An example could be:

<option value="chinaActivitiesUsingSteel">Chinese Activities using Steel</option>

Now write the query in the function called queryText. The function matches the value of the option to choose which query to display in the yasgui.

Extendign on the example, we have the query:

  else if (queryType == "chinaActivitiesUsingSteel") {
    query = ""
    query = "PREFIX bont: <>\n" +
            "PREFIX rdfs: <>\n" +
            "PREFIX om2: <>\n\n" +

            "SELECT ?activityType (xsd:string(sum(?value)) as ?value)\n"

    query += exiobase_graphs

    query += "WHERE\n" +
            "{\n" +
            "  ?flow a bont:Flow .\n" +
            "  ?flow bont:isInputOf ?act .\n" +
            "  ?act bont:hasLocation / rdfs:label \"CN\" .\n" +
            "  ?act bont:hasActivityType / rdfs:label ?activityType .\n" +
            "  ?flow bont:hasObjectType / rdfs:label \"Basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys and first products thereof\" .\n" +
            "  ?flow om2:hasNumericalValue ?value .\n" +
            "  ?flow om2:hasUnit / rdfs:label ?unit .\n" +
            "}\n" +
            "GROUP BY ?activityType \n"

The query variable is displayed in the yasgui query interface. The two variables exiobase_graphs and ystafdb_graphs can be used to easily import all named graphs from the respective datasets.


Please do not edit the scripts directly. All contributions should be via pull request.