BPMN-sw-evol / MSGF-BPM-Engine

Camunda configuration, models and required artifacts
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Add the email variable to the process and identify each of the steps involved in this change. #13

Closed danilonunezgil closed 1 year ago

danilonunezgil commented 1 year ago


  1. Add fields "coupleEmail1" and "coupleEmail2" in the user task "Fill in application form".
  2. Add fields "coupleEmail1" and "coupleEmail2" in the user task "Review couple information".
  3. Add fields "coupleEmail1" and "coupleEmail2" in the user task "Verify validity".
  4. Add fields "coupleEmail1" and "coupleEmail2" in the user task "Check if the credit is financially viable".
  5. Delete deployed instances and then deploy the new model.


  1. Extract mails from the "creditInfoDTO" model and store them in a local variable "coupleEmail1" and "coupleEmail2" in the "startProcessInstance()" method located in "ProcessService".
  2. Add the variables "coupleEmail1" and "coupleEmail2" to the body of the request through the "variables" map in the startProcessInstance()" method located in "ProcessService".


  1. Add variables that receive the mails in the "CreditRequestDTO" model.
  2. Add variables that capture the emails in the method "getProcessVariableList()" located in the "CamundaServices".
  3. Verify that the data arrives to the method "getProcessVariableList()" through a SOUT to the "creditRequestDTO" list.
  4. Add variables in the "ApplicationsTable" table.
  5. Add html fields in "ApplicationsForm".
  6. Extract the captured emails in the "ApplicationsTable" table into the JS file "CreditEmployee" in variables.
  7. Assign the variables to the fields created in "ApplicationsForm".
  8. Compile.
  9. Verify both in the employee panel and in the camunda engine the couple's mails.

Duration: 57 minutes.