BPMN-sw-evol / MSGF-BPM-Engine

Camunda configuration, models and required artifacts
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This repository integrates the Camunda Engine with a Spring Boot application using a PostgreSQL database to persist the structure and resources.


  1. Description
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Usage


Camunda Automation Platform 7 Initializr is a tool that facilitates the creation of Spring Boot projects that integrate the Camunda engine, an open source business process engine. Spring Boot is a development framework that simplifies the creation of Java applications, and the Camunda engine enables the execution and management of workflows and business processes. This tool preconfigures the project structure and necessary dependencies, allowing developers to start working on business process automation applications efficiently and quickly.


To use this program you need the following:

  1. Version control system: Install GIT from the GIT official website.

  2. IntelliJ IDEA: To run and/or modify the project, you can download it from the IntelliJ official website.

  3. Java 17 or higher: You can get help to download and install the java version by following this link

  4. Maven 3.9: You can get help to download and install the maven version by following this link

  5. PostgreSQL with PgAdmin: you can download to install PostgreSQL and pgAdmin for the database manage official website

  6. Email Sender Configuration: To send email notifications to people who request credits.


To use this program in your local machine you must:

  1. Open a terminal in the folder where you want to download the program and clone it with:

    git clone https://github.com/BPMN-sw-evol/MSGF-BPM-Engine.git
  2. Create a .env file with the configuration info:

    1. Database connection info (URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD).
    2. Email sender info (ADDRESS, APPLICATION PASSWORD).


      Remember that you must have the "bpm_engine" database created on your PostgreSQL server and configurate the mail sender.

  3. Open the MSGF-BPM-Engine folder and find the Application file containing the main method and run it with the start option (upper green triangle).

  4. The program works on port 9000. To access open the browser of your choice and type in the search box:

  5. In the Camunda login, use as username and password "demo".

  6. Ready! You can use the Camunda Engine.