BREAD5940 / scouting-frontend

Apache License 2.0
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A frontend to the frc-scouting package.


First, copy config-example.json to config.json and edit it to configure the server. If you are not using an Auth0 tenant of your own (if you didn't understand that, you're not using one :p), you should disable authentication. If you are using Auth0, you'll need to configure auth0ClientID, auth0ClientSecret, auth0Domain, and sessionSecret in config.json. The first three can be found in the Settings tab of your Auth0 application, and the last is just a standard Express session secret (you can use node.js's crypto#randomBytes method to generate random data for it). You'll also want to create an authority.json file with your email:

    "": 100

Then, run npm start (or npm start -- --no-security if you disabled authentication) in a shell (Terminal or Command Prompt) to start the server! If you encounter errors, run npm install to install dependencies.

Disabling authentication

Disabling authentication should ONLY EVER be done in testing environments that are not accessible to the broader internet. Generally, if you're at home (not on public Wi-Fi) or in any other environment where you're behind a NAT (most modern Wi-Fi routers provide a NAT) and trust the other users on your network, it's okay to do.

To disable authentication, add the following line at the bottom of config.json:

    "nosecurity": true

You'll also need to specify the --no-security command line flag (i.e. start scouting-frontend with npm start -- --no-security).

Google Sheets

The scouting frontend can be configured to write match data to Google Sheets when matches are added. To do this, a service-worker configuration must be stored in key.json in the root directory, and spreadsheetID must be specified in config.json.