BSData / chatops

Infrastructure supporting ChatOps across BSData repos
MIT License
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Infrastructure supporting ChatOps across BSData repos.

To use the chatops commands in issue comments, add this workflow to a BSData repository:


# For details and description, see
name: ChatOps
    types: [created]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: startsWith(github.event.comment.body, '/')
      - name: Checkout ChatOps repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          repository: BSData/chatops
          path: chatops
      - name: /command dispatch
        uses: peter-evans/slash-command-dispatch@v2
          token: ${{ secrets.SLASH_COMMAND_DISPATCH_TOKEN }}
          config-from-file: chatops/commands.json

Release command

Trigger by chatops /release or /release bump=minor or /release tag=v1.2.3.


By default, the latest release is retrieved, it's tag parsed as a semantic version and the patch number is increased by 1 (latest v2.2.2 -> v2.2.3).


The following, given latest release v2.2.2, will create a release v2.2.3 (increases patch/third section of semantic version). In a case there are no releases at all, it'll fall back to creating release v1.0.0 (so it works even the first time).


This is the release title (only first non-empty line after command line)!

This and everything that follows will become the release description (body).

Resulting release details:

Release tag:


Release name:

This is the release title (only first line after command line)!

Release description:

This and everything that follows will become the release description (body).

Full changelog

The following, given latest release v2.2.2, will create a release v2.3.0 (increases minor, resets patch).

/release bump=minor

This is title of v2.3.0

The following, given latest release v2.2.2, will create a release v3.0.0 (increases major, resets minor and patch).

/release bump=major

This is title of v3.0.0

The following, given any latest release, will create a release v1.2.3 (as specified).

/release tag=v1.2.3

This is title of v1.2.3

Workflow file: release-command.yml

Invite command

This works on issues titled Join Request. When a repository maintainer user starts a comment with /invite, BSData-bot will dutifully invite the OP (issue author) into the repository as a contributor.

Template workflows PR command

An admin user that comments /template-workflows-pr BSData/example will create a PR in example repository that adds all GitHub Actions workflows from TemplateDataRepo.

This results in adding workflows that enable ChatOps (/release, /invite), as well as enabling publish-catpkg workflow required to make repo work with Gallery.