BUPT-GAMMA / Graph-Structure-Estimation-Neural-Networks

Source code for WWW 2021 paper "Graph Structure Estimation Neural Networks"
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Source code for WWW2021 paper "Graph Structure Estimation Neural Networks"

Environment Settings

Parameter Settings

Files in the folder

├── code/
│   ├── train.py: training the GEN model
│   ├── models.py: implementation of GEN and backbone GNNs
│   ├── utils.py
│   ├── generator.py: generating dataset based on attribute SBM
│   ├── nx.py: saving graph structure as .gexf files for Gephi
│   └── heatmap.py: generating heatmaps of community matrices
├── data/
│   ├── ind.cora.x: cora dataset
│   ├── ind.cora.y
│   ├── ind.cora.tx
│   ├── ind.cora.ty
│   ├── ind.cora.allx
│   ├── ind.cora.ally
│   ├── ind.cora.graph
│   ├── ind.cora.test.index
│   ├── ind.citeseer.x: citeseer dataset
│   ├── ind.citeseer.y
│   ├── ind.citeseer.tx
│   ├── ind.citeseer.ty
│   ├── ind.citeseer.allx
│   ├── ind.citeseer.ally
│   ├── ind.citeseer.graph
│   ├── ind.citeseer.test.index
│   ├── ind.pubmed.x: pubmed dataset
│   ├── ind.pubmed.y
│   ├── ind.pubmed.tx
│   ├── ind.pubmed.ty
│   ├── ind.pubmed.allx
│   ├── ind.pubmed.ally
│   ├── ind.pubmed.graph
│   ├── ind.pubmed.test.index
│   ├── squirrel_node_feature_label.txt: squirrel dataset
│   ├── squirrel_graph_edges.txt
│   ├── chameleon_node_feature_label.txt: chameleon dataset
│   ├── chameleon_graph_edges.txt
│   ├── actor_node_feature_label.txt: actor dataset
│   ├── actor_graph_edges.txt
│   ├── sbm.p: synthetic dataset
│   └── sbm_adj.p: graph structure estimated by GEN
└── README.md

Basic Usage

python ./code/train.py 

Hyper-parameter Tuning

There are three key hyper-parameters: k, threshold and tolerance.

For the hyper-parameter settings of six benchmark datasets used in this paper, please refer to Section 4.4.


  title={Graph Structure Estimation Neural Networks},
  author={Wang, Ruijia and Mou, Shuai and Wang, Xiao and Xiao, Wanpeng and Ju, Qi and Shi, Chuan and Xie, Xing},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021},