this repo is used for development of electronics related sw used in autonomous drone hangar:
- dual camera system with saved recordings rotation
- thermo regulation script for activating heating and airflow electronic elements
- sht temperature and humidity sensors
- GPIO h-bridge and relay activation
- a module for monitoring battery status has been added (see battery_readout)
GPIO schematic
GPIO Description
- VCC (2, 4, 6, 35, 39, 37): 12 to 5V stepdown power supply
- Dependencies (9, 17): power supply for SHT and more
- Motor or thermoregulation H-bridge (29, 31, 32, 36): H-bridge acts as XOR gate, hence two pins are necessary for each element
- Landing pad / hangar signal flag (33): this GPIO sees whether 3.3V is being return here, if so the rest of the hangar is connected to the landing pad
Peripherals Connection & Descritpion
- There are very few drivers and libraries available for rpi5, so do not switch the camera models.
- Camera with manual focus is meant to be inside the hangar, the other outside (this one is connected with the rest of the hangar to the LP)
- Both SHT sensors are connected to the LP
Battery Readout Module
- This module is connected with the battery
- On its connector is a white cable that acts as a signal flag for the LP
Stepper Motors Control
- Arduino UNO is connected to the RPI via USB (COM)
- There is GRBL firmware running to process gcode sent from the RPI and interpret it to the motor drivers (A4988) and endstop switches
- This setup is yet to be tested (11. 9.)
- The elemts H-bridge is connected to are yet to be tested (9. 9. 2024)
All Peripherals