BMO Operating System
GNU General Public License v3.0
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BMO Operating System


Source code in this project is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0

Graphical and audio assets (Images, Icons, Videos, Audio) are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Fonts are licensed under their respective licenses. See fonts folder for specific licenses. ## Install Make sure you have installed all of this first: ``` sudo apt update ``` ``` sudo apt-get install cmake ``` ``` sudo apt-get install libsdl2-image-dev ``` ``` sudo apt-get install libsdl2-ttf-dev ``` ``` sudo apt-get install libsdl2-mixer-dev ``` ``` sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev ``` ## Build ``` mkdir build cd build cmake .. make make install ``` ## GPU Set GPU memory to 256. ``` sudo raspi-config ``` Performance Options->GPU Memory ## Manual Start ``` cd /home/pi/bmos /home/pi/bmos/bmos ``` ## Auto Start ``` sudo cp /home/pi/bmos/scripts/ /etc/profile.d sudo chmod +r /etc/profile.d/ ``` ## Modes BMO has two modes, face and desktop. In face mode you can press keys on the keyboard and they will execute the key mappings in your bmo.txt file (see below). When in face mode you can double-click the green button (ALT key on the keyboard) to switch to desktop mode. You can also press the red button to start recording for voice recognition. Voice recognition must be turned on in the settings first. Hold the button until you are done speaking and BMO will attempt to match your command to what is in the commands.conf file. In desktop mode you can use the DPad and the green button for mouse navigation and selection. Or, if you have a mouse plugged into the USB port, you can mouse as you woudl on a desktop PC. Holding the blue (triangle) button for a few seconds toggles between snap mode which makes the DPad cycle through the UI elements for easier selection. An icon in the upper right corner of the desktop shows which mode you are in. ## Key Mappings Keys are mapped in the /home/pi/bmos/bmo.txt file. Supported commands are face, mp4, system, random, and vg. ### face The face command changes BMO's static face. ``` :face: ``` Example: ``` 1:face:bmo01.jpg ``` Will map keyboard "1" to to show "bmo01.jpg". ### mp4 The video command starts a video, usually a beemote. ``` :mp4:: ``` Example: ``` q:mp4:cn.mp4:bmo01.jpg ``` Will map keyboard "q" to play the mp4 file "cn.mp4" and then switch to "bmo01.jpg" when done. ### system The "system" command will launch a script. Be careful with this. Starting the wrong script can damage your system. Example: ``` Z:system:/home/pi/bmos/scripts/ ``` Executes the script tha waves BMO's left arm. ### random The random command created a list of videos to be played randomly. They are played when you press up on BMO's DPad or if you turn on random videos in the settings. Example: ``` random:hello.mp4 random:homies.mp4 random:ah.mp4 ``` Adds hello.mp4, homies.mp4, and ah.mp4 to the random list. ### vg The "vg" command will launch EmulationStation. Example: ``` ;:vg:videogames.mp4 ``` This maps the semicolon ";" key to start EmulationStation. It will play videogames.mp4 before launching. To get out of EmulationStation, you usually need to press F4. It depends on how you have your ket bindings set up for EmulationStation. ## Exiting Alt-F4 will terminate the application and return to the CLI.