App for people to post yard sales and see yard sales near them.
This project is designed to be straightforward, easy to collaborate on, and still interesting. By the end, we could have a usable app that can be created using coding skills already learned in CS240 and/or CS260 (if that's even necessary for the project). In fact, the app itself wouldn't need to be very different than the app made in CS240. The hope is that this way we can focus on learning this courses database content.
NoSQL Database expected: document database
Database fields:
Database functions:
Legal: User information confidential. Accessible to admin to regulate griefing. Yard sale information public.
Business: Not sure what goes here. This app must be a free service to gain a following. Users might pay to promote a sale, or we could have advertisements on the UI. Costs primarily include maintenance of the app and cost of server.
Technical: This project includes an app with a user profile, map with pins, yard sale creator, followers/following page, and settings page. Additionally a database to support. Publishing would require a server to host and whatever is required to post an app on an app store.
Team: this project would support 3-10 people. Probably ideally 4-6. Collaboration would be important and ongoing so people willing to make friends and not looking for a free ride would be ideal. The project is not overly demanding, especially if the app itself doesn't need to be created, so full-contribution from all is not so much to ask thankfully.