BabylonianTeam / Babylonians

A great app we are making for CS506
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A great app we are making for CS506

See what it does in the video:

The app is designed to solve the following problem:

As an international student in the US, there are places we feel not as comforable as in our home country, for example, hair salon. We've learned English in classroom and have good TOFEL score. But when encountered new scenarios or people with a little bit accent, we will be confused. Our solution to the key is rehearsal. By letting the business owner create mini courses which consist of voice, transcripts and photos, we can let the custom rehearsal the scenario before actually visiting the store. This naturally generates extra customers for the store, so a Win-Win.


Open the workspace file Babylonian.xcworkspace with the newest version of XCode. Then you should be able to build it. If it builds successfully but doesn't launch the app, make sure you select "Babylonian" next to the "Stop" button, instead of "Bolts".

alt tag

In case of any error. Go to the terminal and run pod install under the root folder of the project. If you don't have pod, then run gem install cocoapods. This is very likely needed for OS X El Capitan.

The app runs as the creator side by default. Inside AppConstant.h, change

#define     RUNTIME_USER_ROLE                   @"creator"


#define     RUNTIME_USER_ROLE                   @"learner"

to run the learner side. This will only impact the user role when you create a new user. If you login with existing account, it will load the right side according to the user rolf of that account.

We provide the following two testing account for convenience:

learner test account:, password: tester
creator test account:, password: tester


For image management

For popup window(Alert/Error/Success)

For reordering table

For tag list

Reference Projects: