Back0fnGurke / dbgrep

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dbgrep Tool


dbgrep is a command-line tool for databases that searches for specific column entries and displays the corresponding rows, highlighting the matched column value in red in the console.


Create a directory named 'connection_profiles' in the same directory as the jar file. Then, add a connection profile for your database within that folder.

Connection Profile

The profile files can have any file ending. Example connection profiles can be found under /connection_profiles.

For more information use the --help command.

Build jar

mvn clean package -DskipTests

Run jar

java -jar dbgrep-1.0.jar --help

Test data

To test the tool, you can use the test databases by starting the test environment as described below in the docker section.



Start test environment


To start test environment execute following command in project root directory:

docker compose up

With test data:

docker compose --profile flyway up

To delete all containers execute:

docker compose --profile flyway down

To restart flyway migration execute the command:

docker compose --profile flyway restart flyway_mysql flyway_postgres

Docker Desktop

To start test environment execute following command in project root directory while docker desktop is running:

docker compose --profile flyway up

Everything else can be done in ui.

Execute tests

Start the test database as described above without test data.

Use following command to execute unit tests:

mvn surefire:test

Use following command to execute integration tests:

mvn failsafe:integration-test

Check code quality

Use following command to check your code quality locally:

mvn -Pcicdprofile checkstyle:check pmd:check spotbugs:check

For test coverage:

mvn -Pcicdprofile install (Test coverage can be viewed in target/site/jacoco-it or jacoco-ut/index.html)

For separate execution: