Backendless / iOS-Samples

Contains sample projects demonstrating the usage of various Backendless 3.X API and functionality
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Contains sample projects demonstrating the usage of various Backendless 3.X API and functionality

Backendless iOS SDK (

============== USING WITH COCOAPODS:

To create a new project with CocoaPods, follow these simple steps:

a. if you use iOS, and you need Backendless MediaService: pod 'Backendless-ios-SDK'

b. if you use iOS, and you do not need Backendless MediaService: pod 'Backendless'

c. if you use OSX: pod 'Backendless-osx-SDK'

a. for 'Backendless-ios-SDK':

import "Backendless.h"

import "MediaService.h"

b. for other pods:

import "Backendless.h"

If you don't have your briging header file, set "Build Settings -> Swift Compiler ... -> Objective-C Bridgeing Header" (SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER) option

a. for 'Backendless-ios-SDK': ${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public/Backendless-ios-SDK/Backendless-With-Media-Bridging-Header.h

b. for other pods: ${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public/Backendless/Backendless-Bridging-Header.h


To create a new project, follow the guide: 'getting-started'

If you need to update your existing project to iOS 9.x, follow the guide: 'Update Project with Backendless SDK for iOS9'