Badgerati / Fogg

PowerShell tool to aide and simplify the creation, deployment and provisioning of infrastructure in Azure
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Virtual Machine names should ideally end with "-vm" #50

Open Badgerati opened 7 years ago

Badgerati commented 7 years ago

When creating subnets, vnets, nsgs, etc. they all have a "-snet", "-vnet" or "-nsg" in their name. Even availability sets, load balancers and IPs.

This issue it to make it so that VMs get the same treatment, meaning instead of getting a VM called "core-web1" you'll get "core-web-vm1" instead.

If possible, throw in backwards compatibility.

Badgerati commented 7 years ago

Should be optional, so can disable adding "-vm" due to VM name lengths. Would be nice to have some intelligence, in that if the VM name already ends with "-vm", then don't again append "-vm".