Badgerati / Fogg

PowerShell tool to aide and simplify the creation, deployment and provisioning of infrastructure in Azure
MIT License
7 stars 2 forks source link
arm automation azure azure-resource-manager cloud deployment devops dsc firewall-rules iaas iaas-cloud infrastructure json powershell provision subnet virtual-machine virtual-network vm vms


MIT licensed

Chocolatey Chocolatey

Fogg is a PowerShell tool to simplify the creation, deployment and provisioning of infrastructure (IaaS) in Azure using Azure Resource Manager (does not support Classic).


Fogg can be installed via Chocolatey:

choco install fogg




Fogg is a PowerShell tool to simplify the creation, deployment and provisioning of infrastructure (IaaS) in Azure.

Fogg uses a JSON template file to determine what needs to be created and deployed (but don't worry, the JSON file is far, far smaller than Azure's ARM template files!). Furthermore, Fogg also accepts a few parameters for things like Resource Group Name, Subscription Name, VM Credentials and others. While these are to be passed in via command line, I'd recommend using a Foggfile to version control your deployments (more later).


For more examples, please see the examples folder in the repo (a more advanced example can be found in the wiki)

This simple example will just spin-up one VM. The first thing you will need is a template file, which will look as follows:

    "template": [
            "type": "vm",
            "role": "test",
            "count": 1,
            "os": {
                "type": "Windows",
                "size": "Standard_DS1_v2",
                "publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
                "offer": "WindowsServer",
                "skus": "2016-Datacenter"
            "publicIp": true

The above template will be used by Fogg to deploy one public Windows 2016 VM. You will notice the count value, changing this to 2, 3 or more will deploy 2, 3 or more of this VM type. If you don't supply the count value then just 1 VM will be deployed

Note: if you deploy a VM type with a count > 1, Fogg will automatically load balance your VMs for you, this can be disabled via: "loadBalancer": false, though you will still get an availability set

The role and type values for template objects are mandatory. the role can be any unique alphanumeric string, and the type value can only be one of either vm, vpn, vnet or sa.

Note, try and keep the role value short for Azure naming restrictions - roles like web, file, or data are good

To use Fogg and the template file above, you will need an Azure Subscription. In general, the call to Fogg would look as follows:

fogg -sub "AzureSubName" -rg "basic-rg" -loc "westeurope" -vnetaddr "" -snets @{"vm"=""} -tp "<path_to_above_template>"

This will tell Fogg to use the above template against your Subscription in Azure. Fogg will then:

To create a Foggfile of the above, stored at the root of the repo (can be else where as a -FoggfilePath can be supplied on cli), would look like the following:

    "Groups": [
            "ResourceGroupName": "basic-rg",
            "Location": "westeurope",
            "TemplatePath": "<path_to_above_template>",
            "VNetAddress": "",
            "SubnetAddresses": {
                "test": ""

Note that the above leaves out the SubscriptionName, this is because the Foggfile at the root of a repo will mostly be used by your devs/QAs/etc. to spin-up the infrastructure in their MSDN Azure subscriptions. If the subscription name is the same for all, then you could add in the "SubscriptionName": "<name>" to the Foggfile (as a part of the main JSON object, not within the Groups objects); if left out Fogg will request it when called.

Also note that if the path used for the TemplatePath is relative, it must be relative to the Foggfile's location.

If you are using a Foggfile at the root, then the call to use Fogg would simply be:


If you pass in the parameters on the cli while using a Foggfile, the parameters from the cli have higher precedence and will override the Foggfile's values. (ie: passing -SubscriptionName will override the "SubscriptionName" in the Foggfile)

On a successful deployment, Fogg will return a resultant object that contains the information of the infrastructure that was just deployed. This will contain the names of resources like the VNETs, Subnets and VMs; to the IPs of them, and Ports of Load Balancer. For the above example:

'basic-rg' = @{
    'Location' = 'westeurope';
    'VirtualNetwork' = @{
        'Name' = 'basic-vnet';
        'ResourceGroupName' = 'basic-rg';
        'Address' = '';
    'StorageAccount' = @{
        'Name' = 'euwbasicgblsa'
    'VirtualMachineInfo' = @{
        'test' = @{
            'Subnet' = @{ 
                'Name' = 'test-snet';
                'Address' = '';
            'AvailabilitySet' = 'test-as';
            'LoadBalancer' = @{};
            'VirtualMachines' = @(
                    'Name' = 'test-vm1';
                    'PrivateIP' = '';
                    'PublicIP' = '';
    'VPNInfo' = @{};
    'VirtualNetworkInfo' = @{};


Bugs and Feature Requests

For any bugs you may find or features you wish to request, please create an issue in GitHub.