🔧 BIOS Settings 🔢 Generating SMBIOS
- ### Generating SMBIOS:
Used [GenSMBIOS](https://github.com/corpnewt/GenSMBIOS) from corpnewt, to generate a fake serial number, UUID and MLB.
**This step is mandatory to get the device booting and get iServices to work later on**
1. Download GenSMBIOS from the link above as .ZIP, then extract it.
2. Start GenSMBIOS and select option `1` to download and install MacSerial
3. Select option `3` and enter `iMac18,1`
4. **IMPORTANT:** reminder that you need an **invalid serial!** to check copy and paste the second part saying `Serial: XXXXX..` in [Apple's Check Coverage Page](https://checkcoverage.apple.com/), if you get a red message saying "We're sorry, we're unable to check coverage for this serial number."
then you're good to go! Otherwise, go back and restart from step `2` (more info [here](https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Post-Install/universal/iservices.html#serial-number-validity))
5. once you get the right serial number you can go and fill the generated data in the config.plist file under `PlatformInfo` section, and you are good to go!
🫣 iGPU Spoofing
- ### Generating Patch:
**This step is done after you finish the installation**
1. Download [Hackintool](https://github.com/benbaker76/Hackintool) and open it.
2. Go to `Patch` Category
3. Select `Kaby Lake` in the `Intel Generation` Dropdown.
4. Select `0x59120000` in the `Platform ID` Dropdown.
5. Go to the `Patch` Tab and the `Advanced` menu.
6. Enable `DP -> HDMI`, `Use Intel HDMI`, and `Enable HDMI20 (4K)`.
7. Enable `Spoof Video Device ID` and select `0x5912: Intel HD Graphics 630` from the dropdown menu.
8. Click `Generate Patch`
9. Now you got the patch, you need to copy the `PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0)` Key .
10. Paste it under `DeviceProperties > Add` in your config.plist file.
11. Enjoy!