BaiChuanByte / HelloWorld

A Hello World program written in many programming languages.
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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A Hello World program written in many programming languages.

You can compile/run directly WITHOUT changing the source code.

What languages does it support?

See the languages list.

How to compile/run it?

  1. Firstly, you usually need to change the extension of "hello.any".

    Although some compilers/interpreters (such as CPython) do not require changing the file extension, most still require the file to have the correct extension.(The extension ".any" means that any extension can be used)

    The file extension you should change depends on the situation.

    For example, in Linux, if you want to compile it as a C language source code file, you can use:

    mv hello.any hello.c

    You can change it in any way you want.

  2. Now you can compile/run it. Here are some examples:

    • Python: python3
    • C: gcc -o hello hello.c
    • C++: g++ -o hello hello.cpp
    • Brainfuck: brainfuck
    • Brainfuck: python3 -m __hello__ hello.any
    • Hello, golf!: python3 -m __hello__ hello.any
    • All other No-code esolang (provided they output Hello World): python3 -m __hello__ hello.any

So easy, isn't it?

If the output is not "Hello, world!", please report a bug. Thanks!

A new way to run it

Maybe you don't have any esolang interpreters installed.
But don't be worried, you can still run it with test!

There is a file in the root directory of this project.
It can help you run all the languages we support. So cool right?

To run it, just do like this:

  1. clone this repository. shell git clone (-b dev)
  2. cd to the root directory of this project.
  3. install pip packages. pip3 install -r requirements.txt or pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. run the test script. python or python3


    You need to install the required interpreters or compilers before running the test script:

    • Python (python3, pip3)
    • C (gcc)
    • C++ (g++)

If you want to know more about test-script, see


This programm is licensed under the terms of the WTFPL (DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE).

See license.


If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me at my email:

Have fun!