Baichenjia / CeSD

Constrained Ensemble Exploration for Unsupervised Skill Discovery
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Constrained Ensemble Exploration for Unsupervised Skill Discovery

This is the official codebase for "Constrained Ensemble Exploration for Unsupervised Skill Discovery," accepted by ICML 2024, which utilizes an ensemble of skills in exploration, where each skill performs partition exploration and state-distribution constraints based on the prototypes.

This codebase is built on top of the Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning Benchmark (URLB) codebase. Our method CeSD is implemented in agents/, and the config is specified in agents/cesd.yaml. CeSD is based on the ensemble version of DDPG with ensemble critic, as implemented in agents/ and agents/ensemble_ddpg.yaml.

Run CeSD

To pre-train CeSD, run the following command:

python agent=cesd domain=walker

This script will produce several agent snapshots after training for 2M frames and snapshots will be stored in ./models/${domain}_${now:%m.%d.%H.%M.%S}/${}.

To finetune CeSD, run the following command:

python agent=cesd task=walker_stand snapshot_base_dir=YOUR_PATH_FILE

This will load a snapshot stored in exp_local/YOUR_PATH_FILE/models/, initialize Ensemble DDPG with it (both the actor and critic), and start training on walker_stand using the extrinsic reward of the task.


We assume you have access to a GPU that can run CUDA 10.2 and CUDNN 8. Then, the simplest way to install all required dependencies is to create an anaconda environment by running

conda env create -f conda_env.yml

After the installation ends you can activate your environment with

conda activate urlb

Available Domains

We support the following domains. Domain Tasks
walker stand, walk, run, flip
quadruped walk, run, stand, jump
jaco reach_top_left, reach_top_right, reach_bottom_left, reach_bottom_right


Logs are stored in the exp_local folder. To launch tensorboard run:

tensorboard --logdir exp_local

The console output is also available in the form:

| train | F: 6000 | S: 3000 | E: 6 | L: 1000 | R: 5.5177 | FPS: 96.7586 | T: 0:00:42

a training entry decodes as

F  : total number of environment frames
S  : total number of agent steps
E  : total number of episodes
R  : episode return
FPS: training throughput (frames per second)
T  : total training time


  title={Constrained Ensemble Exploration for Unsupervised Skill Discovery},
  author={Bai, Chenjia and Yang, Rushuai and Zhang, Qiaosheng and Xu, Kang and Chen, Yi and Xiao, Ting and Li, Xuelong},
  booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},