Ballsdex-Team / BallsDex-DiscordBot

Collect and exchange countryballs on Discord
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bot keeps leaving by its own in one specific guild #265

Closed 0necell closed 1 month ago

0necell commented 1 month ago

for no reason my bot keeps leaving in a specific guild (1011010967750054029). i've tried multiple times and even resetted the bot's token, but still nothing. what should i do?

ltzmax commented 1 month ago

You will have to enable Public Bot option on developer portal. Click on your bot then go to bot tab, it should be under there.

0necell commented 1 month ago

You will have to enable Public Bot option on developer portal. Click on your bot then go to bot tab, it should be under there.

its already enabled

the bot only leaves in one specific guild, which is the one i've mentioned

ltzmax commented 1 month ago

Then i believe you have to check /about, if your bot is in 100, then it wont be able to join more than that until its verified. I anyhow cannot repro the issue.