Ballsdex-Team / BallsDex-DiscordBot

Collect and exchange countryballs on Discord
76 stars 126 forks source link

BallsDex Discord Bot

Discord server Pre-commit Issues Black coding style Patreon

BallsDex is a bot for collecting countryballs on Discord and exchange them with your friends!

You can invite the official bot here.

Discord server

For help installing the bot, suggestions to improve or contributions, feel free to join the official community of developers and self-hosters!

Discord server

You can also find the server of our official Ballsdex bot here:

Discord server

Suggestions, questions and bug reports

Our self host support has ended and we no longer maintain a support server. Any bugs or issues can be raised by creating an issue on this repo, support issues will be closed.


You can learn how to setup Ballsdex and use all of its tools on the wiki! More sections are added progressively.


If you appreciate my work, you can support me on my Patreon!


Take a look at the contribution guide for setting up your environment!


This repository is released under the MIT license.

If distributing this bot, credits to the original authors must not be removed.