Ballsdex-Team / BallsDex-DiscordBot

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Cards not working. #324

Open Moaiwastaken opened 1 month ago

Moaiwastaken commented 1 month ago

So I’ve made a regime and the template seems to be glitching out whenever I make a new one. Only my first one works and any new ones I add are breaking, I’m using the card template normally provided, it causes the collection card to glitch out and it’s happening with every single one of the collection cards so I know it’s the regime. I’m just not sure how to fix this because nothings working, I don’t know if it’s a generation error or what.

imtherealF1 commented 3 weeks ago

@Moaiwastaken by glitching out do you mean its making the command error, or is it way too big/small, hence it doesnt fit, which would mean that the dimensions are wrong?