BaltasarParreira / Icetube_Clock_NTP

NTP to GPS for Icetube clock using any ESP8266 or ESP32
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NTP to GPS for Icetube clock using any ESP8266 or ESP32

2023/10/12 - UPDATE TO VERSION 2.1

NOTE: First firmware .bin file release for directly upload trough ESP update webpage.

2023/10/10 - UPDATE TO VERSION 2.0


With this code and using one of this boards (ESP8266 or ESP32) we can connect to the internet (NTP and geolocalization by IP) and get all the necessary data for creating the same NMEA GPS sentences (spoof or fake them) and send them through the serial port pins of the ESP connected to the GPS pins on the clock board.

Like this we have the same synchronized time as the clock will think that has a GPS board connected to it. ; )

NOTE: Added my fixed/changed version of the IPGeolocation library. Download it from here ( and install it on your Arduino IDE libraries folder !!!


Icetube Clock --------> ESP8266 or ESP32

GND -------------------------------> GND

RO (5V) ----------------------------> VIN

RXD -------------------------------> TXD1

NOTE: If you use a ESP8266 model ESP-01 since as only one serial output you have to comment out from the code all Serial.print(ln) commands for information and debugging and change all "Serial1." --> to --> "Serial." !!! On this boards TXD pin will be as on this image the 2 --> GPIO1 --> UOTXD . Also you will need some sort of voltage regulator to drop the 5V from the clock to the 3.3V needed by this ESP or you can burn it.


All other ESP8266 boards have a second serial port but only with TXD and no RXD, but since is not required no problem with this. The pin usually is marked as D4 --> GPIO2 --> TXD1.