Baltic-RCC / EMF

Repository for Open Source EMF implementation
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Repository for Open Source EMF implementation proof of concept

Business Process


RSC EMF protsess-FUTURE drawio

IGM Validation

Incoming IGM-s need to be validated by EMF tool:

IGM validation process should run continuously:

Load Flow Settings

IGM Replacement

If IGM is deemed unusable:

IGM replacement logic is defined in EMF requirements document.

TODO - That logic should be put to a configuration file.

CGM creation

Purpose is to create one electrical grid model from all available models for a given Scenario Time

Data Collection and Import


Load Flow Settings

Relevant references

TODO: add links

Logical Components


RSC EMF protsess-FUTURE drawio

LoadFlow Tool

Process Configurator

Process configuration

Load Flow Settings

Process Configuration Example

Process Configuration Schema

Timeframe configuration

Timeframe Configuration Example

Timeframe Configuration Schema

Process Scheduler

Task Format

Merge Task Example

Task Schema

Task Manager

Metadata and Data Storage

This system consists of two separate but integrates systems

Service Bus

Asynchronous message exchange platform that allows publish and subscribe functionality

Task management

Data retrieval from OPDE

Data publication

EDX integration

Integration between message bus and EDX. This integration is needed to

OPDM integration

Integration between message bus and OPDM. This integration is needed to:

Technology Stack