The HackBaltimore website is statically generated using jekyll and GitHub pages.
This README assumes that the reader has previous knowledge and experience using Ruby on Rails, jekyll, GitHub pages, JSON, and related web dev technologies.
To edit the website locally you must first:
gem install bundler
bundle install
To review edits you make before committing them:
There are a number of data files that populate the content of the site. The JSON files and their expected formats/inputs are described here.
"image": "images/areas-mentors02.png",
"name": "Lisa Dixon",
"title": "CIO at Widgets Inc",
"description": "Enter a bio for the mentor here",
"facebook": "#",
"instagram": "#",
"linkedin": "#"
"name": "Ravens",
"image": "images/ravens.png",
"captain": "Terrell Suggs",
"members": [
"Javorius Allen",
"Mark Andrews",
"Anthony Averett",
"Chris Board",
"Tyus Bowser",
"Nick Boyle",
"Bradley Bozeman",
"Orlando Brown"
"name": "Housing",
"title": "Equitable Housing for All",
"description": "Baltimore City faces a shortage of affordable housing.",
"focus": "Housing",
"organization": "HUD",
"contact": "Terrell Suggs",
"contact_phone": "+1-(540)-555-4000",
"contact_email": ""
It is assumed that all organizers' photos / images will be stored in /images/organizers/
"name": "Barack Obama",
"bio": "Barack Obama served as the 44th President of the USA."
"image": "barack-obama.jpg"
"name": "Equitable Housing for All",
"focus": "Housing"
"problem": "Baltimore City faces a shortage of affordable housing."
"solution": "Enter a solution to the problem here"
"value": "Explain why the idea and solution matter here"
"documentation": " supports my idea by providing research into the problem"