BananaHemic / Mumble-Unity

Performant Mumble Client For Unity3D
MIT License
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Update MumbleAudioPlayer.cs #15

Closed Black-Alpha closed 6 years ago

Black-Alpha commented 6 years ago

android pitch fix.

BananaHemic commented 6 years ago

Please let me know if the most recent commit fixed your issue

Black-Alpha commented 6 years ago

I made this change and it worked , thank you (clear audio) with your most resent current comment otherwise there are 2 errors within OpusCodec.cs:

    // readonly OpusDecoder _decoder = new OpusDecoder((int)MumbleConstants.SAMPLE_RATE, MumbleConstants.NUM_CHANNELS) { EnableForwardErrorCorrection = false };
    readonly OpusDecoder _decoder = new OpusDecoder((int)MumbleConstants.MAX_SAMPLE_RATE, MumbleConstants.MAX_CHANNELS) { EnableForwardErrorCorrection = false };