BananaHemic / Mumble-Unity

Performant Mumble Client For Unity3D
MIT License
77 stars 29 forks source link


A simple to use Mumble Client made for Unity3D. Easily send low-latency text and voice to a group of other users



Getting started

Get a server

Either get a Mumble server at one of the many Mumble server hosts. Or you can setup your own Mumble server (which I recommend)

If you do make your own server, be sure to set "opusthreshold=0" in mumble-server.ini or murmur.ini in order to make all clients use opus




  1. Better support multiple audio per packet sizes (20ms is currently assumed)
  2. Switch to TCP without sending voice packets
  3. Get Opus libraries for iOS
  4. Get Opus libraries for Linux

If you have any questions or errors, please feel free to open an issue As always, stars are more than welcome