BananaHemic / Mumble-Unity

Performant Mumble Client For Unity3D
MIT License
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Whisper #5

Closed Capantonio closed 7 years ago

Capantonio commented 7 years ago

How i can whisper to a client? i find the function _manageSendBuffer.SendVoice(floatData, SpeechTarget.DirectWhisper1, 0), but i don't know where find the targetid to select the client i choose.

best regards, Capitanio Fabio

BananaHemic commented 7 years ago

Hey Capantonio,

Unfortunately that's not directly supported yet Adding this shouldn't be too hard however. If you'd like to do this yourself (I'm low on time at the moment) you can get started by taking a look at ManageAudioSendBuffer line 105.

Feel free to reopen if you have any other questions