BarbUk / dotfiles

My dotfiles, used on archlinux, osx and debian
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bash dotfiles linux macos shell-scripts



This repository contains files for configuring my Terminal environment and other various linux settings. See Github does dotfiles for more info

What does it look like

Screenshot light shell Screenshot dark shell

Is there a cool thing that I can use ?

While my dotfiles are optimised for my workflow, you can maybe find something interesting in it.


Snippy is enhanced version of the snippy snippet utility. I use it everyday with more than 600 snippets.


Here some enhancements that I made:


Mprisctl is wrapper around playerctl. By default, it shows the status, artist and track title of the last detected player.

Chrome history

Chrome history is a basic shell script that output your chrome browser history. It's made to work with rofi.

You can use it in rofi to open a link Exemple:

rofi -combi-modi "chrome:chrome_history,window,drun" -show combi -modi combi -lines 25  -display-combi '> '

Change theme

I need a light theme to work during the day with the sun light, and a dark theme to geek at night. So I made a quick script to handle the switch: change_theme.

A perfect fit for the ThinkVantage button.

Detect screen

Detect_screen, a script to automate screen configuration when you plug a new screen.

Give me hostname

When you need a list of your server to ssh to: Give me hostname. Combine it with fzf to autocomplete the ssh/scp/rsync commands.

Light bar


Light bar is a minimal script to change screen brightness and display a simple bar. Good to include in awesomewm or any other wm.

Volume bar


Volume bar is a minimal script to change volume and display a simple bar. Good to include in awesomewm or any other wm.

Ssh connect

Ssh connect is a script that:

Open sftp

Open sftp is a script that:


Warning: If you want to give these dotfiles a try, you should first fork this repository, review the code, and remove things you don’t want or need. Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!

Using Git

Clone the repository in ~/.dotfiles:

git clone ~/.dotfiles && ~/.dotfiles

init the submodules:

git submodule update --init

You can use source bashrc or use to symlink the files.