BardOfCodes / universal_pytorch

Pytorch implementation of Universal Adverserial Perturbation and Fast Feature Fool
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Universal Adversarial Perturbation

This code contains implementation of the following papers in pytorch.

1) DeepFool : A batch deepfool version based on this github repository. 2) Universal Adverserial Perturbation: Based on this github repository 3) Fast Feature Fool: Based on this github repository


Universal Adverserial Perturbations are single perturbations of very small norm which are able to successfully fool networks. It is quite astonishing as it shows that a single directional shift in the image space can cause such huge errors.


This repository provides two types of Universal Adverserial Perturbations(UAPs), Data dependent(based on Universal Adverserial Perturbations) , and Data Independent(based on fast feature fool).

For finding UAP for a network :

python find_uap model im_path im_list [options]


For more information, use python --h

For Evaluating a perturbation's performance: <model> <im_path> <im_list> <perturbation_path> [options]


For more information, use python --h

Important information

As models used in works Universal Adverserial Perturbation and Fast-feature-fool were on tensorflow, these model took input of range 0-255. However, in Pytorch, the models have a different input range. The input is processed in the following fashion:

Using this information, we can find out the input range:

(Lowest = min(-Channel_mean/Channel_std),Highest = max((1-Channel_mean)/ Channel_std))

From this we calculate the input range to be 4.765. The norm limits for the perturbations have been shifted accordingly.

Future enhancements:


I would like to thank :

Also, a big thanks to Video Analytics Lab.