Baremetrics / calendar

Date range picker for Baremetrics
MIT License
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Remove global CSS styles #15

Closed theodorejb closed 9 years ago

theodorejb commented 9 years ago

Right now there is a reset file (/dev/sass/vendor/_reset.scss) which overrides browser styling defaults. A custom font-family is also being set on the global body and html elements. This prevents us from easily using the date picker on our site, as we would have to manually override all these changes to the global environment.

Instead of modifying globals like this, could the font family instead be applied to the date picker classes, and the global CSS reset be removed in favor of only resetting styles on date picker specific classes? This would greatly improve the reusability value of this component.

kalepail commented 9 years ago

Removing the reset file is a really good idea, not sure why I didn't do that anyway. As for the font that whole _home.scss file is intended to be replaced with whatever you're using in your main app. You could and probably should modify the _variables.scss file to better match your current setup as I assume you won't Proxima Nova anyway. I will go ahead and put that variable into the .daterange class though.