Baremetrics / calendar

Date range picker for Baremetrics
MIT License
679 stars 78 forks source link

DEPRECATED - This library is no longer being maintained.

Baremetrics Date Range Picker

Baremetrics provides zero-setup subscription analytics & insights for Stripe, Braintree and Recurly. Get started today!

The Baremetrics date range picker is a simplified solution for selecting both date ranges and single dates all from a single calender view. There aren't a billion options but the code is pretty basic and modular so feel free to edit however to meet your own needs.

Design by Chris Meeks
Code by Tyler van der Hoeven

View a demo
View in a live production app


Using the date picker is pretty simple, you've just got to make a couple choices and include a couple settings. Create a div with a daterange class and then either the daterange--double or daterange--single classname for targeting the specific calendar you'd like to generate.

<div class="daterange daterange--double"></div>
<div class="daterange daterange--single"></div>

Next you've just gotta create a new Calendar instance.

new Calendar({
  element: $('.daterange--single'),
  current_date: '2015-06-15',
  format: {input: 'M/D/YYYY'},
  required: false

new Calendar({
  element: $('.daterange--double'),
  earliest_date: '2000-01-1',
  latest_date: moment(),
  start_date: '2015-05-01',
  end_date: '2015-05-31',
  callback: function() {
    var start = moment(this.start_date).format('ll'),
        end = moment(this.end_date).format('ll');

    console.debug('Start Date: '+ start +'\nEnd Date: '+ end);

Base Calendar Params

Single Calendar Params

Double Calendar Params


I've included my signature gulpfile too so be sure and take a look at that as well.

$ cd <project directory>
$ npm install
$ gulp

I also use pow and the powder gem to run my local dev environments but however you plan on wrangling that the gulpfile turns on a livereload server so as long as you have the files serving somehow any changes you make will show up instantly.
