Baremetrics / calendar

Date range picker for Baremetrics
MIT License
679 stars 78 forks source link

Standalone css file #36

Closed kalenjordan closed 8 years ago

kalenjordan commented 8 years ago

Hey guys, amazing work on this! I just pulled it into my app and needed to fidget with the css a little bit in order to remove some of the non-daterange styles (body, h1, etc.). Would it make sense to break some of those things out of the css file?

Let me know if you'd like me to PR the CSS file that I scrubbed.

Thanks again!

kalepail commented 8 years ago

It is broken out in the Sass source.. but it might be helpful to actually generate a sort of vendor css file separate from the actual name spaced calendar stuff.

kalenjordan commented 8 years ago

Ah. Duh! My bad.