BarredEwe / Prefire

🔥 A library based on SwiftUI Preview, for easy generation: Playbook view, Snapshot and Accessibility tests
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Wrap `PreviewModels` in `DEBUG` directives. #22

Closed markst closed 3 weeks ago

markst commented 11 months ago

In our case we have our PreviewProvider's wrapped in compiler directives. This is due to MediaMock being also wrapped in compiler directives and so forth.

import SwiftUI
import Common
import Prefire

internal class BannerModuleViewPreview: PreviewProvider, PrefireProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        UIElementPreview {
                view: BannerModuleView(
                    media: MediaMock.bannerMock()
            .snapshot(delay: 0.1, precision: 1)
            .frame(width: 375, height: 400)
markst commented 11 months ago

I wonder if there is a better solution? It would be much better to be able to only perform plugin .when(configuration: .debug)

BarredEwe commented 11 months ago

I think we can wrap only the part with the call. This will save work in places where #if DEBUG is not used.

public static var models: [PreviewModel] = {
    var views: [PreviewModel] = []
    #if DEBUG
    {% for type in types.types where type.implements.PrefireProvider or type.based.PrefireProvider or type|annotated:"PrefireProvider" %}
    views.append(contentsOf: createModel(for: {{ }}.self, name: "{{ | replace:"_Previews","" | replace:"_Preview","" }}"))
    {% endfor %}
    return views.sorted(by: { $ > $ || $0.story ?? "" > $1.story ?? "" })
markst commented 1 month ago

Not sure whether we can configure Sourcery to identify if a PrefireProvider is within a DEBUG compiler directive.

I suppose we may not want to wrap in DEBUG since some people may wish to create a distribution build with Playbook?

markst commented 1 month ago

We could introduce a new compiler flag such as NO_PLAYBOOK which the consumer target could pass?

swiftSettings: [
    .define("NO_PLAYBOOK", .when(configuration: .release)),
BarredEwe commented 1 month ago

@markst Very cool and simple solution!

BarredEwe commented 1 month ago

I suppose we may not want to wrap in DEBUG since some people may wish to create a distribution build with Playbook?

I think so, it is better to leave this feature configurable.

BarredEwe commented 1 month ago

@markst Can you please add information about this flag in