BarredEwe / Prefire

🔥 A library based on SwiftUI Preview, for easy generation: Playbook view, Snapshot and Accessibility tests
Apache License 2.0
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accesibility-tests component ios playbook plugin preview screen snapshot-testing swift swift-plugin swiftui swiftui-previews swiftui-xcode-previews testing xcode-plugin xcode-previews


A library for easily generating automatic Playbook (Demo) view and Tests using SwiftUI Preview

Works with: UI-components, screens and flows

Release Platform Swift5 Swift Package Manager Swift Package Manager



Do you like SwiftUI Preview and use it? Then you must try 🔥Prefire!

You can try 🔥Prefire starting from example project.


Prefire can be installed for an Xcode Project or only for one Package.

Xcode Project Plugin

You can integrate Prefire as an Xcode Build Tool Plug-in if you're working on a project in Xcode.

  1. Add Prefire as a package dependency to your project without linking any of the products.
  1. Select the target to which you want to add linting and open the Build Phases inspector. Open Run Build Tool Plug-ins and select the + button. From the list, select PrefirePlaybookPlugin or PrefireTestsPlugin, and add it to the project.

Swift Package Plugin

You can integrate Prefire as a Swift Package Manager Plug-in if you're working with a Swift Package with a Package.swift manifest.

  1. Add Prefire as a package dependency to your Package.swift file.
dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
  1. Add Prefire to a target using the plugins parameter.
    plugins: [
        // For Playbook (Demo) view
        .plugin(name: "PrefirePlaybookPlugin", package: "Prefire")
    plugins: [
        // For Snapshot Tests
        .plugin(name: "PrefireTestsPlugin", package: "Prefire")


To generate tests and playbook, simply mark your preview using the PrefireProvider protocol:

struct Text_Previews: PreviewProvider, PrefireProvider {
    static var previews: some View { ... }

If you use the #Preview macro, 🔥Prefire will automatically find it!

If you don't need it, mark view - .prefireIgnored():

#Preview {

If you want to disable the automatic get of all previews, use the setting preview_default_enabled: false. Then to include preview in the test, you need to call the .prefireEnabled():

#Preview {

Playbook (Demo) View

To use Playbook, simply use PlaybookView

import Prefire 

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        PlaybookView(isComponent: true, previewModels: PreviewModels.models)

Snapshot tests

Just run generated tests 🚀 All tests will be generated in the DerivedData folder.

Plugin PrefireTestsPlugin will handle everything for you 🛠️

For detailed instruction, check out swift-snapshot-testing or examine an example project.


Prefire provide new commands for previews:


To further customize Prefire, you can create a .prefire.yml file in the root directory of your project. Here's an example of its content:

  - target: PrefireExample 
  - test_file_path: PrefireExampleTests/PreviewTests.generated.swift
  - template_file_path: CustomPreviewTests.stencil
  - simulator_device: "iPhone15,2"
  - required_os: 16
  - preview_default_enabled: true
  - sources:
    - ${PROJECT_DIR}/Sources/
  - snapshot_devices:
    - iPhone 14
    - iPad
  - imports:
    - UIKit
    - SwiftUI
  - testable_imports:
    - Prefire

  - preview_default_enabled: true
  - template_file_path: CustomModels.stencil
  - imports:
    - UIKit
    - Foundation
  - testable_imports:
    - SwiftUI

Configuration keys and their descriptions


When preparing for distribution, you may want to exclude your PreviewProvider and mock data from release builds. This can be achieved by wrapping them in #if DEBUG compiler directives. Alternatively, you can pass a compiler flag to exclude PreviewModels from release builds.

To exclude PreviewModels using Swift Package Manager, pass the PLAYBOOK_DISABLED swift setting in the package that links PrefirePlaybookPlugin:

swiftSettings: [
    .define("PLAYBOOK_DISABLED", .when(configuration: .release)),

If you are using Xcode, you can pass the compiler flag in the Xcode build settings:




NavigationView in Preview not supported for Playbook

Running Prefire via CI

Xcode is unable to generate tests in a custom path.