Some valid Lottie animations don't play back at all in LOTAnimationView on Xamarin.iOS. Based on limited data, it appears to be those that contain text.
Here is an example of a file that doesn't play back. This was exported from After Effects:
tap-a-topic-EN.json.txt(File renamed with .txt extension to allow it to be attached here.)
For this file, the animator created a text string and animated it to give a throbbing effect every 6 seconds. This file plays fine in other contexts like, for example, this previewer.
By contrast, here is another file that was also exported from After Effects. This one should look exactly the same as the one above, but in this case the animator converted the text to vector shapes. This file plays back perfectly using LottieXamarin:
Note: I see that the readme has a list of Supported After Effects Features, and I don't see anything there about text. Is it possible that text in Lottie files is just not supported?
Expected behavior
Any value Lottie file should be played back correctly.
Reproduction steps
Create a Xamarin.iOS project for iPad in VS 2019
Use NuGet to add Com.Airbnb.iOS.Lottie
In a view controller, instantiate a LOTAnimationView, load the Lottie file, and add it to the visual tree. I used the following code
🐛 Bug Report
Some valid Lottie animations don't play back at all in LOTAnimationView on Xamarin.iOS. Based on limited data, it appears to be those that contain text.
Here is an example of a file that doesn't play back. This was exported from After Effects: tap-a-topic-EN.json.txt (File renamed with .txt extension to allow it to be attached here.)
For this file, the animator created a text string and animated it to give a throbbing effect every 6 seconds. This file plays fine in other contexts like, for example, this previewer.
By contrast, here is another file that was also exported from After Effects. This one should look exactly the same as the one above, but in this case the animator converted the text to vector shapes. This file plays back perfectly using LottieXamarin: tap-a-topic-EN-shape-layer.json.txt
Note: I see that the readme has a list of Supported After Effects Features, and I don't see anything there about text. Is it possible that text in Lottie files is just not supported?
Expected behavior
Any value Lottie file should be played back correctly.
Reproduction steps
Version: Com.Airbnb.iOS.Lottie 2.5.13