BaySchoolCS2 / ProjectRepo

Whirpl - A network designed with small communities in mind
MIT License
1 stars 9 forks source link


Link to testing server here

Setup Environment

To set up the environment you first have to install mongodb, the database management software (DBMS) we will be using for this project.

On Linux this is as easy as

sudo apt-get install mongodb

You then need create the required virtual environment and install python packages. Fortunately, we have a script for that.

Use either


or if you have fabric use

fab setup_env

Congratulations, you can now edit and test.

To run

Set up environment first [Every time?], then execute


"." means execute following program in the current bash shell, "/" means look in the current directory for the program.

Then point your browser (navigate) to localhost:5000 to test [as well as to???] write unittests and then, push

Pushing Rules

BEFORE you push: Make sure that all requirements of the project are in requirements.txt

To do this, type these commands into the console

source venv/bin/activate
pip freeze > requirements.txt

If you were messing around inside [editing packages that are part of?] the tool virtual environment then you should also commit those packages to the tool-requirements.txt

source tools-env/bin/activate
pip freeze > tool-requirements.txt

Make sure that all module documentation is linked in the documentation section below.

If you installed tools that are required to run the server, add them to the readme under setup environment.

Add any files that you many have created.

If there are any temporary files that have been created and that should not be included in the repository, add them to .gitignore


Tools are launched from the tools directory. They allow you to do things like create and list users in the database, as well as delete the whole database (do this only if testing).

The tools have their own separate virtual environment for themselves and are run from there by default.

To execute a tool:


No need to enter a virtual environment

Code Description
./tools/ adds users in /libs/usernames
./tools/ Creates a post (The program will prompt you for a user, title, and content text)
./tools/ lists all users
./tools/ deletes the WHOLE database (use only localy)
./tools/ deletes ALL the users but no other part of the database
./tools/ deletes ALL the posts but no other part of the database


All HTML is generated by the server and the templates are stored in application/templates.

Static files such as images, css, and javascript go into the application/static/imgs, application/static/css and application/static/js respectively.

Updating a fork

Add the main repository and call it upstream (you only need to do this the first time you update the fork)

git remote add upstream

Get the main repository

git fetch upstream

Update your fork

git rebase upstream/master

Various documentation




Unittesting Flask:


If you happen to find a bug, report it and then attempt to fix it. If you cannot fix it, indicate that you could not in the bug report.

The issue tracker is here