BayesWatch / pytorch-experiments-template

A pytorch based classification experiments template
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Pytorch classification experiments template

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This is a template for deep learning projects using PyTorch (particularly for classification).

This template is designed as a fully working experiment starter. That is, simply running python will run a small CNN on cifar-10, while handling logging, checkpointing, neat printing to the terminal, datasets, etc.

For detailed instructions, see the docs.

Installation and setup


We encourage the use of conda to get setup. Our current preference is for miniforge.

If you are working on the Edinburgh GPU machines you will want to set your conda home to be in scratch space (i.e. start by doing cd /disk/scratch/, then mkdir YOURNAME, cd YOURNAME, and then install conda).

Assuming you already have conda available, installing the dependencies of this template should be as easy as:

conda env create --name NAME --file environment.yml

Where NAME is of your choice.


conda activate NAME

Using the template

In order to use this template, go to the GitHub repository and click the "Use this template" button:

Then you will want to clone and cd into your new repository.

Optional extra: running the tests

You can also set a datasets directory that the repository will read from. In order to do this you will need to add a line to your .bashrc (or whichever shell you are using) that looks like:

export PYTORCH_DATA_LOC=/disk/scratch_ssd/

This, for instance, is the data location I have set on one of our remote machines. I have it set differently on my personal laptop, so I never need to change config files or pass extra args to move between machines.

Assuming you are in the base directory of the repository, you can then run


to verify that things are working on your machine.


When you first download the repository, it should look something like this (+- a few other bits):

  ├── datasets
  |   ├──
  |   ├──
  ├── models
  │   ├──
  │   ├──
  │   ├──
  │   ├──
  │   └──
  ├── notebooks
  │   ├── plot-results.ipynb
  │   └──
  └── utils

The goal is for you to be able to do your research without ever needing to touch anything in the utils folder.

The things you might edit:

All of the extra neat features in the repository live in the utils/ folder, such as:

Checkpoints and metric files will be saved in log.

Configurations for running experiments via json files are stored in experiment_files.

We also encourage you to write tests for your code and put them in test/ (although we ourselves are guilty of not staying on top of this).

Example runs

To train a ResNet-18 on CIFAR100:

python --experiment_name cifar100_example --dataset CIFAR100 --model.type ResNet18

To train ResNet-50 using the PyTorch example ImageNet training script:

python --experiment_name imagenet_default --dataset ImageNet --model.type ResNet50 --num_gpus_to_use 4 --workers 8 --max_epochs 90 --scheduler MultiStep --milestones [30, 60] 

See the docs for more complex examples!


Note: the resnets and densenet are adapted from and the wide resnet from