BdF-LabSec / kpn532

Arduino PN532 proxy (mini relay)
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Arduino PN532 proxy (mini relay).

This is a minimal SPI library using IRQ instead of status polling, compatible with:

(see kpn532_spi.h to know why this 1 MHz does not make a lots of differences)

Hardware list

Arduino Uno R4 vs. Elechouse PN532 boards

Or why to start with a Uno R3...

Bits and Bytes order...

First versions of Uno R4 SPI Class had a bug when dealing with LSB settings: bits were reversed, but bytes too... creating problems when transfering blocks.

LSB bytes order problem

It was fixed by @RudolphRiedel ( Thanks to him, we now have correct & efficient SPI transfer.

Logical level

Arduino R3 & R4 boards are both using 5V logical level (1 is ~5V), but Elechouse PN532 boards are using : "On-board level shifter, Standard 5V TTL for I2C and UART, 3.3V TTL SPI"

We were lucky with Arduino R3:

Unfortunately, the Elechouse PN532 SPI is ~3V (sometimes even ~2.9V). It makes some 1 (from PN532 point of view) to be read as 0 (on the Ardunion Uno R4). It's particularly annoying with IRQ signals.

It can be solved with a level shifter: search on Amazon for TXS0108E Logic Level Converter - or build a kpn532 board (rely on TXS0108EPWR)

Wiring diagram

              ARDUINO                                 READER                           EMULATOR
+----[PWR]-------------------| USB |--+    .. -------------------------     .. -------------------------
|                            +-----+  |    .. -------------------------\\   .. -------------------------\\
|        GND[a][ ]RST2                |        ELECHOUSE NFC MODULE V3 ||       ELECHOUSE NFC MODULE V3 ||
|      MOSI2[ ][ ]SCK2      A5/SCL[ ] |        [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]    __   ||       [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]    __   ||
|         5V[b][ ]MISO2     A4/SDA[ ] |        SCL SDA VCC GND   /  \  ||       SCL SDA VCC GND   /  \  ||
|                             AREF[ ] |                          \__/  ||                         \__/  ||
|                              GND[ ] |     1|#_|ON  (SPI)             ||    1|#_|ON  (SPI)             ||
| [ ]N/C                    SCK/13[c] |     2|_#|KE            SCK[c]  ||    2|_#|KE            SCK[i]  ||
| [ ]IOREF                 MISO/12[d] |                       MISO[d]  ||                      MISO[j]  ||
| [ ]RST                   MOSI/11[e]~|           |||||       MOSI[e]  ||          |||||       MOSI[l]  ||
| [ ]3V3    +---+               10[f]~|          +-----+        SS[f]  ||         +-----+        SS[n]  ||
| [ ]5v    -| A |-               9[n]~|         -|PN532|-      VCC[b]  ||        -|PN532|-      VCC[m]  ||
| [ ]GND   -| R |-               8[ ] |          +-----+       GND[a]  ||         +-----+       GND[k]  ||
| [ ]GND   -| D |-                    |           |||||        IRQ[g]  ||          |||||        IRQ[o]  ||
| [ ]Vin   -| U |-               7[ ] |                       RSTO[ ]  ||                      RSTO[ ]  ||
|          -| I |-               6[ ]~|    |HSU| 0 | 0                 ||   |HSU| 0 | 0                 ||
| [ ]A0    -| N |-               5[ ]~|    |I2C| 1 | 0                 ..   |I2C| 1 | 0                 ..
| [ ]A1    -| O |-               4[ ] |    |SPI| 0 | 1                 ..   |SPI| 0 | 1                 ..
| [ ]A2     +---+           INT1/3[g]~|
| [ ]A3                     INT0/2[o] |    SHARED        a <-> k (GND)      READER ONLY        f (SS)
| [p]A4/SDA  RST SCK MISO     TX>1[ ] |                  b <-> m (5V)                          g (IRQ)
| [q]A5/SCL  [ ] [i] [j]      RX<0[ ] |                  c <-> i (SCK)      EMULATOR ONLY      n (SS)
|            [k] [l] [m]              |                  d <-> j (MISO)                        o (IRQ)
|  UNO R3    GND MOSI 5V  ____________/                  e <-> l (MOSI)



New version with kpn532 board

Picture of Arduino UNO R4 minima and two Elechouse NFC module v3, on a kpn532 board with level shifter

Previous version with wires and previous pinning

Picture of Arduino UNO R3 and two Elechouse NFC module v3, wired to SPI bus & powered


Arduino IDE is enough to handle build and flash to devices, but you can also flash binaries with:

dfu-util 0.11

Copyright 2005-2009 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc. Copyright 2010-2021 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY Please report bugs to

Found DFU: [2341:0369] ver=0100, devnum=50, cfg=1, intf=0, path="1-", alt=1, name="@DataFlash /0x08000000/81Kg", serial="370B0B185931393864FA33324B572E3F" Found DFU: [2341:0369] ver=0100, devnum=50, cfg=1, intf=0, path="1-", alt=0, name="@CodeFlash /0x00000000/82Ka,120*2Kg", serial="370B0B185931393864FA33324B572E3F"

Use the `@CodeFlash` one (here, `alt=0`)

dfu-util --serial 370B0B185931393864FA33324B572E3F --alt 0 --reset --download kpn532.ino.bin dfu-util 0.11

Copyright 2005-2009 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc. Copyright 2010-2021 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY Please report bugs to

Warning: Invalid DFU suffix signature A valid DFU suffix will be required in a future dfu-util release Opening DFU capable USB device... Device ID 2341:0069 Run-Time device DFU version 0101 Claiming USB DFU (Run-Time) Interface... Setting Alternate Interface zero... Determining device status... DFU state(0) = appIDLE, status(0) = No error condition is present Device really in Run-Time Mode, send DFU detach request... Device will detach and reattach... Opening DFU USB Device... Claiming USB DFU Interface... Setting Alternate Interface #0 ... Determining device status... DFU state(2) = dfuIDLE, status(0) = No error condition is present DFU mode device DFU version 0101 Device returned transfer size 64 Copying data from PC to DFU device Download [=========================] 100% 61936 bytes Download done. DFU state(7) = dfuMANIFEST, status(0) = No error condition is present DFU state(2) = dfuIDLE, status(0) = No error condition is present Done! Resetting USB to switch back to Run-Time mode

## Performance

Measured _waiting_ time for `GetVersion` instruction (`0x60`) is ~20,3ms. Two `WTX` frames are present bewtween.

![Measured waiting time for GetVersion instruction on relayed configuration, WTX frames before answer](assets_arduino/kpn532_proxified_getversion.png)

A normal _waiting_ time is around ~383µs for this instruction

![Measured waiting time for GetVersion instruction on direct configuration](assets_arduino/kpn532_direct_getversion.png)

The proxified penalty is around 20ms, more or less depending on the payload size.

You can check timings with `SDR nfc-laboratory v2.0`

## Behavior

### Presented UID
Presented UID can be different from the original.
- Original UID: `0495910A5D6D80`
- Presented UID: `0895910A`
    - `08` is forced by `PN532` design ;
    - Only 4 bytes in total, 3 bytes available.

### Seen as `Felica`
Sometimes the presented card can be seen as `Felica`. Move the original card to a better position on the antenna, then try again (with a `reset`).

## Traces

With a NXP TagInfo scan

### Minimal mode

.#####. mimicard 0.1 (Arduino - single board) .## ^ ##._ "A La Vie, A L'Amour" - (oe.eo)

/ \ / ('>-

\ / | K | /*** Benjamin DELPY gentilkiwi

'## v #___/ '#####' L\ Kiwi PN532 ***/

| Verbosity: minimal | Reader init... | PN532 version 1.6.7 | Emulator init... | PN532 version 1.6.7 | Initialization OK! ~ Waiting for target... | Detected target | SENS_RES: 0344 | SEL_RES : 20 | UID : 0495910A5D6D80 ~ Waiting for reader on emulator... | Reader detected! | Target released

### Verbose

- `<` from reader
- `>` to reader

.#####. mimicard 0.1 (Arduino - single board) .## ^ ##._ "A La Vie, A L'Amour" - (oe.eo)

/ \ / ('>-

\ / | K | /*** Benjamin DELPY gentilkiwi

'## v #___/ '#####' L\ Kiwi PN532 ***/

| Verbosity: full | Reader init... | PN532 version 1.6.7 | Emulator init... | PN532 version 1.6.7 | Initialization OK! ~ Waiting for target... | Detected target | SENS_RES: 0344 | SEL_RES : 20 | UID : 0495910A5D6D80 ~ Waiting for reader on emulator... We got a reader! : 08E080 | Reader detected! < 9060000000

04010133001A0591AF < 00A4040007D276000085010100 6A82 < 00A4040007D2760000850100 9000 < 00A4000002E103 6A82 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 9060000000 04010133001A0591AF < 905A00000300000000 91CA < 9060000000 04010133001A0591AF < 90AF000000 04010103001A0591AF < 90AF000000 0495910A5D6D80995367303020209100 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 00A4040007D276000085010100 6A82 < 900A0000010000 214FC51AB696135491AF < 90AF00001000000000000000004C066583A1B1DCDF00 CC0B2E2555EA033D9100 < 906A000000 9100 < 906E000000 0020009100 < 906D000000 9100 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 905A0000033010F200 91A0 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 905A0000039011F200 91A0 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 905A00000300805700 91A0 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 905A00000342220100 91A0 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 905A000003444D0100 91A0 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 905A0000030011F200 91A0 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 905A00000331594F00 91A0 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 905A00000300407800 91A0 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 905A0000031120EF00 91A0 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 905A00000353453100 91A0 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 905A00000303B80000 91A0 < 903C0000010000 131C43204449CBAF8BDE7E643EE0F778BAF778CC122991EC034737CFCE0161B2DF1C5FE2C5576FFE9B92221A2ABAAC35733984682EF679E29190 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 900A0000010000 E41FD3FD41BE737B91AF < 90AF0000100000000000000000A2D341711D007C9300 CC0B2E2555EA033D9100 < 9045000000 0F019100 < 906A000000 9100 < 905A00000300000000 9100 < 9060000000 04010133001A0591AF < 90AF000000 04010103001A0591AF < 90AF000000 0495910A5D6D80995367303020209100 | Target released

TagInfo side

** TagInfo scan (version 4.25.5) 2022-12-22 23:43:24 **
Report Type: -- IC INFO ------------------------------

# IC manufacturer:
NXP Semiconductors

# IC type:

-- NDEF ------------------------------

# No NDEF data storage populated:

-- EXTRA ------------------------------

# Memory information:
Size: 8 kB
Available: 8.0 kB (8192 bytes)

# IC information:
Capacitance: 17 pF

# Version information:
Vendor ID: NXP (0x04)
Hardware info:
* Type/subtype: 0x01/0x01
* Version: 3.0
* Storage size: 8192 bytes (0x1A)
* Protocol: ISO/IEC 14443-4 (0x05)
Software info:
* Type/subtype: 0x01/0x01
* Version: 3.0
* Storage size: 8192 bytes (0x1A)
* Protocol: ISO/IEC 14443-4 (0x05)
Production date: week 20, 2020 (0x2020)

# Authentication information:
Default PICC master key

# Originality Check (asymmetric):
Signature could not be verified with NXP public key

# Originality Check (symmetric):
Originality Check not successful

# TagInfo Version:
Version :4.25.5

# Device Info:
Device Model :samsung ( SM-T636B )
Android OS Version :12

-- FULL SCAN ------------------------------

# Technologies supported:
ISO/IEC 7816-4 compatible
Native DESFire APDU framing
ISO/IEC 14443-4 (Type A) compatible
ISO/IEC 14443-3 (Type A) compatible
ISO/IEC 14443-2 (Type A) compatible

# Android technology information:
Tag description:
* TAG: Tech [,,]
* Maximum transceive length: 65279 bytes
* Default maximum transceive time-out: 618 ms
* Extended length APDUs supported
* Maximum transceive length: 253 bytes
* Default maximum transceive time-out: 618 ms
MIFARE Classic support present in Android

# Detailed protocol information:
ID: 08:95:91:0A
* Random ID
ATQA: 0x4403
SAK: 0x20
ATS: 0x067533920380
* Max. accepted frame size: 64 bytes (FSCI: 5)
* Supported receive rates:
    - 106, 212, 424 kbit/s (DR: 1, 2, 4)
* Supported send rates:
    - 106, 212, 424 kbit/s (DS: 1, 2, 4)
* Different send and receive rates supported
* SFGT: 1.208 ms  (SFGI: 2)
* FWT: 154.7 ms  (FWI: 9)
* NAD supported
* CID supported
* Historical bytes: 0x80 |.|

# Memory content:

Application ID 0x000000 (PICC)
* Default master key
* Key configuration: (0x0F01)
  - 1 (3)DES key
  - Master key changeable
  - Master key required for:
    ~ directory list access: no
    ~ create/delete files: no
  - Configuration changeable


Originality checks

# Originality Check (asymmetric):
Signature could not be verified with NXP public key

# Originality Check (symmetric):
Originality Check not successful

Checks are not successful: signature verification and originality check (with symmetric keys from NXP) are UID dependant, and are using the presented one (not from GetVersion answer). As it's altered by PN532 emulation, checks fail.

Note: new versions of NXP TagInfo avoid to make originaly checks when detecting random/emulated UID.

kpn532 board

After many tests, many wires, many problems, many probes, etc... I created a minimal shield to experiment PN532 relaying with - not expensive - Elechouse PN532 boards

Picture kpn532 board PCB 3D representation

Schematic is very simple, you can find the project at:


CC BY 4.0 licence -


Benjamin DELPY gentilkiwi, you can contact me on Twitter ( @gentilkiwi ) or by mail ( benjamin.delpy [at ] )

This is a POC / experimental development, please respect its philosophy and don't use it for bad things!


Arduino UNO

Wiring diagram adapted from

Elechouse NFC Module


AVRDUDE - AVR Downloader Uploader


SDR nfc-laboratory v2.0