Make sure you are using a version of Node.js greater than 6.X
change the port that node listens on
sudo apt-get install libcap2-bin
sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/bin/node <--(change if this isn't your node application path)
Change the window.version in 'public/html/config.js' to match the current beapi-all-in-one version you are running:
window.version = '1.6.58';
also install...
npm install googleapis
nodejs app.js
useradd beapi -d /home/beapi
sudo mkdir /usr/share/beapi
mv beapi_frontend /usr/share/beapi/frontend
systemctl start beapi_frontend
Enable it to run on boot with:
systemctl enable beapi_frontend
Pulling new changes on the server currently requires:
sudo git -c http.sslVerify=false pull