BeataKr / axios-har-tracker

This library was designed for gathering HAR files from requests sent using axios
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axios har harfile tracker


This library was designed for gathering HAR files from requests sent using axios


Inspiration and some pieces of the code comes from maciejmaciejewski/request-har


In order to use this package install it

npm install axios-har-tracker

and import it by

import { AxiosHarTracker } from "axios-har-tracker";

and axios package

import axios from "axios";

which will be passed into AxiosHarTracker constructor:

const axiosTracker = new AxiosHarTracker(axios);

In order to perform an actual request use the axios.get/post/delete... call, examples:

await axios.get("");

or with catching an error

try {
  await axios.get("");
} catch (error) {
  console.log("An error appears after call to", error);

Every single request is pushed into the object and user can get it by using

const generatedObject = axiosTracker.getGeneratedHar();

Object can be saved into a file in any time using e.g.

writeFileSync("example.har", JSON.stringify(generatedObject), "utf-8");