Bedrettin-Cetinkaya / RankED

MIT License
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RankED: Addressing Imbalance and Uncertainty in Edge Detection Using Ranking-based Losses (CVPR 2024)

1. Install Environment, Datasets, Pretrained Model

1.1 Environment

Our project is based-on MMSegmentation. Please follow the official MMsegmentation with Python= 3.7, Pytorch= 1.12.1, CUDA=11.3 and CUDNN=8.3.2.

1.2 Datasets


Download the augmented NYUD data from EDTER Repository:

-Download Train Data

-Download Test Data

Put these files into data/NYUD/.


Download the augmented BSDS data from here

Put these file into data/BSDS_RS/.

Extract these files via tar zxvf filename.tar.gz

1.3 Initial Weights

Download the pretrained model from here

Put this file into preTrain/.

2. Train Model

2.1 NYU:

-Change delta as 0.4 and split (in Line 9) based on your GPU memory (split=1 requires huge memory about ~40 GB) in mmseg/model/losses/

-Run the following command to start training.

python tools/ configs/APLoss/ --options model.pretrained=preTrain/swin_base_patch4_window12_384_22k.pth model.backbone.use_checkpoint=True --work-dir your_folder

2.2 BSDS:

For Only Ranking:

-Change delta as 0.1 and split (in Line 9) based on your GPU memory (split=1 requires huge memory about ~40 GB) in mmseg/model/losses/

-Run the following command to start training.

python tools/ configs/APLoss/ --options model.pretrained=preTrain/swin_base_patch4_window12_384_22k.pth model.backbone.use_checkpoint=True --work-dir your_folder

For Ranking & Sorting:

-Change delta as 0.1 and split (in Line 9) based on your GPU memory (split=1 requires huge memory about ~40 GB) in mmseg/model/losses/ and mmseg/model/losses/

-Run the following command to start training.

python tools/ configs/RSLoss/ --options model.pretrained=preTrain/swin_base_patch4_window12_384_22k.pth model.backbone.use_checkpoint=True --work-dir your_folder

3. Inference

-Run the following command to start inference. python tools/ --config configs/APLoss/ --checkpoint your_folder/xxx.pth --tmpdir your_save_result_dir

4. Pre-trained Models:

-NYUD (Only Ranking)

-BSDS (Ranking & Sorting)

4. Acknowledgements

Thanks to the previous open-sourced repo:




5. Reference

  title={RankED: Addressing Imbalance and Uncertainty in Edge Detection Using Ranking-based Losses}, 
  author={Bedrettin Cetinkaya and Sinan Kalkan and Emre Akbas},
  booktitle={IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},