BedrockCommunity / CoreJobs-Nukkit

This plugin was created for all. Anyone can modify them and make a PR. Thanks for using them.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 1 forks source link


This plugin was created for all. Anyone can modify them and make a PR. Thanks for using them.

Note: This plugin now is very very pointless and basic. Just for be.

I'm planning add:


  "messages": {
    "consoleMessage"        : "&cYou can't use this command as Console Command Sender.",
    "messageTitleJobWindow" : "                       Hello!\n           Welcome to Job Category!\n    Select what you want to do from now.",
    "receiveJob"            : "&7» &3You have successfully selected Job: &b%job &3!",
    "withoutJobTitleWindow" : "Without Job Option",
    "withoutJobMessage"     : "&7» &3From now, you don't have One Job &3!"
  "icons": {
    "lumberJackIcon"        : "",
    "minerIcon"             : "",
    "farmerIcon"            : "",
    "killerIcon"            : "",
    "hunterIcon"            : "",
    "infoIcon"              : "",
    "withoutJobIcon"        : ""