Bekaboo / dropbar.nvim

IDE-like breadcrumbs, out of the box
GNU General Public License v3.0
896 stars 17 forks source link

[Bug]: Calling nil (vim.lsp) /lua/dropbar/sources/lsp.lua:L343 #112

Closed FalcoGer closed 7 months ago

FalcoGer commented 7 months ago


I'm using coc for lsp integration. I still wish to use dropbar with treesitter. But when loading a file in nvim, I get an error.

nvim version

NVIM v0.10.0-dev-e59cf3b3a

dropbar.nvim version


Operating system and version

Ubuntu Mate 22.04 (Linux <hostname> 5.15.0-84-generic #93-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 5 17:16:10 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux)

Minimal config

set nocompatible

if filereadable("/etc/vim/vimrc.local")
  source /etc/vim/vimrc.local

filetype off
call plug#begin(expand('~/.vim/plugged'))
Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'}
Plug 'Bekaboo/dropbar.nvim'

call plug#end()
filetype plugin indent on

if has("syntax")
  syntax on

set guioptions+=a

set showcmd
set showmatch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
set incsearch
set autowrite
set hidden
set mouse=a

lua << EOF
local dropbar = require('dropbar')

Steps to reproduce

  1. nvim -u minimal.vim minimal.vim

Expected behavior

Loads without error.

Actual behavior

Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: ...ul/.vim/plugged/dropbar.nvim/lua/dropbar/sources/lsp.lua:343: attempt to call field 'get_clients' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        .../.vim/plugged/dropbar.nvim/lua/dropbar/sources/lsp.lua:343: in function 'init'
        .../.vim/plugged/dropbar.nvim/lua/dropbar/sources/lsp.lua:386: in function 'get_symbols'
        .../.vim/plugged/dropbar.nvim/lua/dropbar/utils/source.lua:9: in function 'get_symbols'
        /home/<username>/.vim/plugged/dropbar.nvim/lua/dropbar/bar.lua:526: in function ''
        vim/_editor.lua: in function ''
        vim/_editor.lua: in function <vim/_editor.lua:0>

Additional information

vim.lsp for me doesn't have the get_clients member and is

```lua { rpc = { create_read_loop = function: 0x7f6adcaf4318, -- function start = function: 0x7f6adcaf1278, -- function format_rpc_error = function: 0x7f6adcaf3fd8, -- function client_errors = { [1] = "INVALID_SERVER_MESSAGE", -- string [2] = "INVALID_SERVER_JSON", -- string [3] = "NO_RESULT_CALLBACK_FOUND", -- string [4] = "READ_ERROR", -- string [5] = "NOTIFICATION_HANDLER_ERROR", -- string [6] = "SERVER_REQUEST_HANDLER_ERROR", -- string [7] = "SERVER_RESULT_CALLBACK_ERROR", -- string INVALID_SERVER_MESSAGE = 1, -- number INVALID_SERVER_JSON = 2, -- number NO_RESULT_CALLBACK_FOUND = 3, -- number READ_ERROR = 4, -- number NOTIFICATION_HANDLER_ERROR = 5, -- number SERVER_REQUEST_HANDLER_ERROR = 6, -- number SERVER_RESULT_CALLBACK_ERROR = 7, -- number }, -- table /client_errors rpc_response_error = function: 0x7f6adcaf4088, -- function connect = function: 0x7f6adcaf4740, -- function }, -- table /rpc rpc_response_error = function: 0x7f6adcaf4088, -- function _request_name_to_capability = { workspace/executeCommand = { [1] = "executeCommandProvider", -- string }, -- table /workspace/executeCommand workspace/symbol = { [1] = "workspaceSymbolProvider", -- string }, -- table /workspace/symbol textDocument/hover = { [1] = "hoverProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/hover textDocument/references = { [1] = "referencesProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/references textDocument/signatureHelp = { [1] = "signatureHelpProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/signatureHelp textDocument/rangeFormatting = { [1] = "documentRangeFormattingProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/rangeFormatting textDocument/definition = { [1] = "definitionProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/definition textDocument/formatting = { [1] = "documentFormattingProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/formatting textDocument/implementation = { [1] = "implementationProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/implementation textDocument/completion = { [1] = "completionProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/completion textDocument/declaration = { [1] = "declarationProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/declaration textDocument/documentHighlight = { [1] = "documentHighlightProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/documentHighlight textDocument/typeDefinition = { [1] = "typeDefinitionProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/typeDefinition textDocument/semanticTokens/full = { [1] = "semanticTokensProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/semanticTokens/full textDocument/documentSymbol = { [1] = "documentSymbolProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/documentSymbol textDocument/semanticTokens/full/delta = { [1] = "semanticTokensProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/semanticTokens/full/delta textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy = { [1] = "callHierarchyProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy callHierarchy/incomingCalls = { [1] = "callHierarchyProvider", -- string }, -- table /callHierarchy/incomingCalls callHierarchy/outgoingCalls = { [1] = "callHierarchyProvider", -- string }, -- table /callHierarchy/outgoingCalls textDocument/rename = { [1] = "renameProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/rename textDocument/prepareRename = { [1] = "renameProvider", -- string [2] = "prepareProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/prepareRename textDocument/codeAction = { [1] = "codeActionProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/codeAction textDocument/codeLens = { [1] = "codeLensProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/codeLens inlayHint/resolve = { [1] = "inlayHintProvider", -- string [2] = "resolveProvider", -- string }, -- table /inlayHint/resolve codeLens/resolve = { [1] = "codeLensProvider", -- string [2] = "resolveProvider", -- string }, -- table /codeLens/resolve textDocument/inlayHint = { [1] = "inlayHintProvider", -- string }, -- table /textDocument/inlayHint codeAction/resolve = { [1] = "codeActionProvider", -- string [2] = "resolveProvider", -- string }, -- table /codeAction/resolve }, -- table /_request_name_to_capability buf_detach_client = function: 0x7f6adca26b68, -- function get_buffers_by_client_id = function: 0x7f6adca26c50, -- function stop_client = function: 0x7f6adca26c88, -- function diagnostic = { get_line_diagnostics = function: 0x7f6adca1c7e0, -- function reset = function: 0x7f6adca1c740, -- function on_publish_diagnostics = function: 0x7f6adca1c648, -- function get_namespace = function: 0x7f6adca1c5a0, -- function }, -- table /diagnostic get_client_by_id = function: 0x7f6adca26c10, -- function buf_request = function: 0x7f6adca26df0, -- function for_each_buffer_client = function: 0x7f6adca276e8, -- function buf_request_all = function: 0x7f6adca26e48, -- function buf_is_attached = function: 0x7f6adca26bd0, -- function client_errors = { [1] = "INVALID_SERVER_MESSAGE", -- string [2] = "INVALID_SERVER_JSON", -- string [3] = "NO_RESULT_CALLBACK_FOUND", -- string [4] = "READ_ERROR", -- string [5] = "NOTIFICATION_HANDLER_ERROR", -- string [6] = "SERVER_REQUEST_HANDLER_ERROR", -- string [7] = "SERVER_RESULT_CALLBACK_ERROR", -- string [8] = "ON_INIT_CALLBACK_ERROR", -- string ON_INIT_CALLBACK_ERROR = 8, -- number INVALID_SERVER_MESSAGE = 1, -- number INVALID_SERVER_JSON = 2, -- number NO_RESULT_CALLBACK_FOUND = 3, -- number READ_ERROR = 4, -- number NOTIFICATION_HANDLER_ERROR = 5, -- number SERVER_REQUEST_HANDLER_ERROR = 6, -- number SERVER_RESULT_CALLBACK_ERROR = 7, -- number }, -- table /client_errors buf_request_sync = function: 0x7f6adca26e88, -- function protocol = { SymbolKind = { [1] = "File", -- string [2] = "Module", -- string [3] = "Namespace", -- string [4] = "Package", -- string [5] = "Class", -- string [6] = "Method", -- string [7] = "Property", -- string [8] = "Field", -- string [9] = "Constructor", -- string [10] = "Enum", -- string [11] = "Interface", -- string [12] = "Function", -- string [13] = "Variable", -- string [14] = "Constant", -- string [15] = "String", -- string [16] = "Number", -- string [17] = "Boolean", -- string [18] = "Array", -- string [19] = "Object", -- string [20] = "Key", -- string [21] = "Null", -- string [22] = "EnumMember", -- string [23] = "Struct", -- string [24] = "Event", -- string [25] = "Operator", -- string [26] = "TypeParameter", -- string TypeParameter = 26, -- number Interface = 11, -- number Variable = 13, -- number Namespace = 3, -- number Constant = 14, -- number Constructor = 9, -- number String = 15, -- number Number = 16, -- number File = 1, -- number Module = 2, -- number Boolean = 17, -- number Package = 4, -- number Array = 18, -- number Property = 7, -- number Class = 5, -- number Method = 6, -- number Key = 20, -- number Function = 12, -- number Null = 21, -- number Object = 19, -- number EnumMember = 22, -- number Field = 8, -- number Struct = 23, -- number Event = 24, -- number Enum = 10, -- number Operator = 25, -- number }, -- table /SymbolKind MarkupKind = { Markdown = "markdown", -- string markdown = "Markdown", -- string PlainText = "plaintext", -- string plaintext = "PlainText", -- string }, -- table /MarkupKind ResourceOperationKind = { delete = "Delete", -- string create = "Create", -- string Rename = "rename", -- string Create = "create", -- string Delete = "delete", -- string rename = "Rename", -- string }, -- table /ResourceOperationKind FailureHandlingKind = { Abort = "abort", -- string Transactional = "transactional", -- string transactional = "Transactional", -- string TextOnlyTransactional = "textOnlyTransactional", -- string textOnlyTransactional = "TextOnlyTransactional", -- string Undo = "undo", -- string abort = "Abort", -- string undo = "Undo", -- string }, -- table /FailureHandlingKind DiagnosticSeverity = { [1] = "Error", -- string [2] = "Warning", -- string [3] = "Information", -- string [4] = "Hint", -- string Warning = 2, -- number Information = 3, -- number Error = 1, -- number Hint = 4, -- number }, -- table /DiagnosticSeverity DiagnosticTag = { [1] = "Unnecessary", -- string [2] = "Deprecated", -- string Unnecessary = 1, -- number Deprecated = 2, -- number }, -- table /DiagnosticTag MessageType = { [1] = "Error", -- string [2] = "Warning", -- string [3] = "Info", -- string [4] = "Log", -- string Warning = 2, -- number Info = 3, -- number Error = 1, -- number Log = 4, -- number }, -- table /MessageType InitializeError = { [1] = "unknownProtocolVersion", -- string unknownProtocolVersion = 1, -- number }, -- table /InitializeError CompletionItemKind = { [1] = "Text", -- string [2] = "Method", -- string [3] = "Function", -- string [4] = "Constructor", -- string [5] = "Field", -- string [6] = "Variable", -- string [7] = "Class", -- string [8] = "Interface", -- string [9] = "Module", -- string [10] = "Property", -- string [11] = "Unit", -- string [12] = "Value", -- string [13] = "Enum", -- string [14] = "Keyword", -- string [15] = "Snippet", -- string [16] = "Color", -- string [17] = "File", -- string [18] = "Reference", -- string [19] = "Folder", -- string [20] = "EnumMember", -- string [21] = "Constant", -- string [22] = "Struct", -- string [23] = "Event", -- string [24] = "Operator", -- string [25] = "TypeParameter", -- string TypeParameter = 25, -- number Reference = 18, -- number Interface = 8, -- number Text = 1, -- number Variable = 6, -- number Snippet = 15, -- number Constant = 21, -- number File = 17, -- number Color = 16, -- number Enum = 13, -- number Module = 9, -- number Value = 12, -- number Unit = 11, -- number Class = 7, -- number Method = 2, -- number Keyword = 14, -- number Folder = 19, -- number Property = 10, -- number Function = 3, -- number EnumMember = 20, -- number Field = 5, -- number Struct = 22, -- number Event = 23, -- number Constructor = 4, -- number Operator = 24, -- number }, -- table /CompletionItemKind WatchKind = { [1] = "Create", -- string [2] = "Change", -- string [4] = "Delete", -- string Change = 2, -- number Delete = 4, -- number Create = 1, -- number }, -- table /WatchKind InsertTextFormat = { [1] = "PlainText", -- string [2] = "Snippet", -- string PlainText = 1, -- number Snippet = 2, -- number }, -- table /InsertTextFormat TextDocumentSyncKind = { [0] = "None", -- string [1] = "Full", -- string [2] = "Incremental", -- string Full = 1, -- number None = 0, -- number Incremental = 2, -- number }, -- table /TextDocumentSyncKind DocumentHighlightKind = { [1] = "Text", -- string [2] = "Read", -- string Text = 1, -- number Read = 2, -- number Write = 3, -- number [3] = "Write", -- string }, -- table /DocumentHighlightKind CodeActionKind = { = "Empty", -- string quickfix = "QuickFix", -- string source.organizeImports = "SourceOrganizeImports", -- string source = "Source", -- string Empty = "", -- string QuickFix = "quickfix", -- string Refactor = "refactor", -- string refactor = "Refactor", -- string RefactorExtract = "refactor.extract", -- string refactor.extract = "RefactorExtract", -- string RefactorInline = "refactor.inline", -- string refactor.inline = "RefactorInline", -- string RefactorRewrite = "refactor.rewrite", -- string refactor.rewrite = "RefactorRewrite", -- string Source = "source", -- string SourceOrganizeImports = "source.organizeImports", -- string }, -- table /CodeActionKind make_client_capabilities = function: 0x7f6adccd6b80, -- function resolve_capabilities = function: 0x7f6adccd6cd8, -- function FileChangeType = { [1] = "Created", -- string [2] = "Changed", -- string Created = 1, -- number Changed = 2, -- number Deleted = 3, -- number [3] = "Deleted", -- string }, -- table /FileChangeType TextDocumentSaveReason = { [1] = "Manual", -- string [2] = "AfterDelay", -- string [3] = "FocusOut", -- string FocusOut = 3, -- number Manual = 1, -- number AfterDelay = 2, -- number }, -- table /TextDocumentSaveReason CompletionTriggerKind = { [1] = "Invoked", -- string [2] = "TriggerCharacter", -- string [3] = "TriggerForIncompleteCompletions", -- string Invoked = 1, -- number TriggerCharacter = 2, -- number TriggerForIncompleteCompletions = 3, -- number }, -- table /CompletionTriggerKind CodeActionTriggerKind = { [1] = "Invoked", -- string [2] = "Automatic", -- string Automatic = 2, -- number Invoked = 1, -- number }, -- table /CodeActionTriggerKind ErrorCodes = { MethodNotFound = -32601, -- number [-32603] = "InternalError", -- string [-32700] = "ParseError", -- string ParseError = -32700, -- number [-32000] = "serverErrorEnd", -- string [-32099] = "serverErrorStart", -- string [-32602] = "InvalidParams", -- string [-32601] = "MethodNotFound", -- string [-32001] = "UnknownErrorCode", -- string UnknownErrorCode = -32001, -- number RequestCancelled = -32800, -- number [-32600] = "InvalidRequest", -- string [-32002] = "ServerNotInitialized", -- string ContentModified = -32801, -- number InvalidParams = -32602, -- number [-32800] = "RequestCancelled", -- string InvalidRequest = -32600, -- number [-32801] = "ContentModified", -- string InternalError = -32603, -- number serverErrorStart = -32099, -- number serverErrorEnd = -32000, -- number ServerNotInitialized = -32002, -- number }, -- table /ErrorCodes }, -- table /protocol buf_notify = function: 0x7f6adca26ec8, -- function _cmd_parts = function: 0x7f6adca25b20, -- function buf_attach_client = function: 0x7f6adca25800, -- function start_client = function: 0x7f6adca267a0, -- function util = { apply_text_document_edit = function: 0x7f6adcb20648, -- function _get_line_byte_from_position = function: 0x7f6adcb20470, -- function preview_location = function: 0x7f6adcb20d88, -- function parse_snippet = function: 0x7f6adcb206b8, -- function _trim = function: 0x7f6adcb20e40, -- function _get_completion_item_kind_name = function: 0x7f6adcb20840, -- function stylize_markdown = function: 0x7f6adcb20eb0, -- function show_document = function: 0x7f6adcb20cc8, -- function buf_clear_references = function: 0x7f6adcb210d8, -- function buf_versions = { }, -- table /buf_versions lookup_section = function: 0x7f6adcb216d0, -- function _str_byteindex_enc = function: 0x7f6adcb20288, -- function apply_text_edits = function: 0x7f6adcb20550, -- function make_formatting_params = function: 0x7f6adcb21650, -- function _str_utfindex_enc = function: 0x7f6adcb20220, -- function make_workspace_params = function: 0x7f6adcb215e8, -- function make_text_document_params = function: 0x7f6adcb215b8, -- function _get_symbol_kind_name = function: 0x7f6adcb21308, -- function symbols_to_items = function: 0x7f6adcb21340, -- function make_position_params = function: 0x7f6adcb21468, -- function get_progress_messages = function: 0x7f6adcb20520, -- function apply_workspace_edit = function: 0x7f6adcb20ad0, -- function try_trim_markdown_code_blocks = function: 0x7f6adcb213b8, -- function text_document_completion_list_to_complete_items = function: 0x7f6adcb20878, -- function make_given_range_params = function: 0x7f6adcb21568, -- function buf_highlight_references = function: 0x7f6adcb21158, -- function convert_input_to_markdown_lines = function: 0x7f6adcb20b88, -- function _get_offset_encoding = function: 0x7f6adcb214e8, -- function trim_empty_lines = function: 0x7f6adcb21380, -- function open_floating_preview = function: 0x7f6adcb202e8, -- function extract_completion_items = function: 0x7f6adcb20618, -- function rename = function: 0x7f6adcb209a0, -- function make_range_params = function: 0x7f6adcb21520, -- function jump_to_location = function: 0x7f6adcb20d50, -- function character_offset = function: 0x7f6adcb21690, -- function set_lines = function: 0x7f6adcb202b8, -- function make_floating_popup_options = function: 0x7f6adcb20c88, -- function locations_to_items = function: 0x7f6adcb21288, -- function get_effective_tabstop = function: 0x7f6adcb21618, -- function _make_floating_popup_size = function: 0x7f6adcb20fe8, -- function convert_signature_help_to_markdown_lines = function: 0x7f6adcb20c40, -- function }, -- table /util commands = { }, -- table /commands handlers = { textDocument/hover = function: 0x7f6adcb228c0, -- function textDocument/signatureHelp = function: 0x7f6adcb22948, -- function textDocument/definition = function: 0x7f6adcb229d0, -- function textDocument/implementation = function: 0x7f6adcb22a58, -- function $/progress = function: 0x7f6adcb22ae0, -- function textDocument/declaration = function: 0x7f6adcb22b68, -- function window/showMessage = function: 0x7f6adcb22bf0, -- function textDocument/documentSymbol = function: 0x7f6adcb22c78, -- function window/workDoneProgress/create = function: 0x7f6adcb22d00, -- function window/showMessageRequest = function: 0x7f6adcb22d88, -- function callHierarchy/incomingCalls = function: 0x7f6adcb22e10, -- function callHierarchy/outgoingCalls = function: 0x7f6adcb22e98, -- function textDocument/rename = function: 0x7f6adcb22f20, -- function workspace/inlayHint/refresh = function: 0x7f6adcb22fa8, -- function client/registerCapability = function: 0x7f6adcb23030, -- function textDocument/codeLens = function: 0x7f6adcb230b8, -- function workspace/executeCommand = function: 0x7f6adcb23140, -- function workspace/symbol = function: 0x7f6adcb231c8, -- function client/unregisterCapability = function: 0x7f6adcb23250, -- function textDocument/rangeFormatting = function: 0x7f6adcb232d8, -- function workspace/applyEdit = function: 0x7f6adcb23360, -- function textDocument/completion = function: 0x7f6adcb233e8, -- function textDocument/documentHighlight = function: 0x7f6adcb23470, -- function workspace/configuration = function: 0x7f6adcb234f8, -- function textDocument/inlayHint = function: 0x7f6adcb23580, -- function workspace/workspaceFolders = function: 0x7f6adcb23608, -- function textDocument/publishDiagnostics = function: 0x7f6adcb23690, -- function workspace/semanticTokens/refresh = function: 0x7f6adcb070a0, -- function window/showDocument = function: 0x7f6adcb23718, -- function signature_help = function: 0x7f6adcb237a0, -- function textDocument/references = function: 0x7f6adcb23828, -- function hover = function: 0x7f6adcb238b0, -- function textDocument/formatting = function: 0x7f6adcb23938, -- function window/logMessage = function: 0x7f6adcb239c0, -- function textDocument/typeDefinition = function: 0x7f6adcb23a48, -- function }, -- table /handlers with = function: 0x7f6adca27758, -- function get_log_path = function: 0x7f6adca276b0, -- function _set_defaults = function: 0x7f6adca26730, -- function set_log_level = function: 0x7f6adca27678, -- function tagfunc = function: 0x7f6adca26fc0, -- function status = function: 0x7f6adca266d0, -- function omnifunc = function: 0x7f6adcb09dc8, -- function client_is_stopped = function: 0x7f6adca26ff0, -- function formatexpr = function: 0x7f6adca26f78, -- function _unsupported_method = function: 0x7f6adca24fb0, -- function buf_get_clients = function: 0x7f6adca27638, -- function log_levels = { [0] = "TRACE", -- string [1] = "DEBUG", -- string [2] = "INFO", -- string [3] = "WARN", -- string [4] = "ERROR", -- string [5] = "OFF", -- string OFF = 5, -- number TRACE = 0, -- number DEBUG = 1, -- number INFO = 2, -- number WARN = 3, -- number ERROR = 4, -- number }, -- table /log_levels client = function: 0x7f6adca26620, -- function semantic_tokens = { __STHighlighter = { active = { }, -- table /active detach = function: 0x7f6adcb06cb0, -- function on_win = function: 0x7f6adcb06da0, -- function mark_dirty = function: 0x7f6adcb06e98, -- function reset_timer = function: 0x7f6adcb06ef8, -- function attach = function: 0x7f6adcb06900, -- function process_response = function: 0x7f6adcb06d28, -- function on_change = function: 0x7f6adcb06ec8, -- function send_request = function: 0x7f6adcb06ce8, -- function destroy = function: 0x7f6adcb06c08, -- function reset = function: 0x7f6adcb06e60, -- function new = function: 0x7f6adcb06b90, -- function }, -- table /__STHighlighter start = function: 0x7f6adcb06f70, -- function get_at_pos = function: 0x7f6adcb07018, -- function force_refresh = function: 0x7f6adcb07060, -- function highlight_token = function: 0x7f6adcb06fa8, -- function stop = function: 0x7f6adcb06fe0, -- function }, -- table /semantic_tokens buf = { definition = function: 0x7f6adca15e58, -- function document_highlight = function: 0x7f6adca163a8, -- function implementation = function: 0x7f6adca15ed8, -- function hover = function: 0x7f6adca15c90, -- function declaration = function: 0x7f6adca15d78, -- function format = function: 0x7f6adca15fd0, -- function inlay_hint = function: 0x7f6adca165a0, -- function execute_command = function: 0x7f6adca16560, -- function completion = function: 0x7f6adca15f58, -- function document_symbol = function: 0x7f6adca160d8, -- function code_action = function: 0x7f6adca164d0, -- function clear_references = function: 0x7f6adca163e8, -- function workspace_symbol = function: 0x7f6adca16368, -- function references = function: 0x7f6adca16090, -- function list_workspace_folders = function: 0x7f6adca16270, -- function add_workspace_folder = function: 0x7f6adca162a0, -- function server_ready = function: 0x7f6adca15c28, -- function signature_help = function: 0x7f6adca15f18, -- function remove_workspace_folder = function: 0x7f6adca16320, -- function rename = function: 0x7f6adca16050, -- function outgoing_calls = function: 0x7f6adca16238, -- function incoming_calls = function: 0x7f6adca161c8, -- function type_definition = function: 0x7f6adca15e98, -- function }, -- table /buf _with_extend = function: 0x7f6adca27788, -- function get_active_clients = function: 0x7f6adca26cc8, -- function codelens = { save = function: 0x7f6adca242f8, -- function __namespaces = { }, -- table /__namespaces refresh = function: 0x7f6adca24478, -- function get = function: 0x7f6adca24140, -- function run = function: 0x7f6adca241b0, -- function clear = function: 0x7f6adca24230, -- function display = function: 0x7f6adca242b8, -- function on_codelens = function: 0x7f6adca24380, -- function }, -- table /codelens start = function: 0x7f6adca26650, -- function }, -- table vim.lsp ```
Bekaboo commented 7 months ago

Duplicate #103, you are on a too old version of nvim nightly, please update your nvim version.