-- Minimal configuration
-- mini.lua
-- Use with the --clean -u flags. EG nvim --clean -u mini.lua
-- This config will create a temp directory and will blow away that temp directory
-- everytime this configuration is loaded. Great for simulating a new installation
-- of a plugin
-- Setting some basic vim options
-- Some junk because I am sick of formatting tables in print
local _print = _G.print
local clean_string = function(...)
local args = { n = select("#", ...), ... }
local formatted_args = {}
for i=1, args.n do
local item = select(i, ...)
if not item then item = 'nil' end
local t_type = type(item)
if t_type == 'table' or t_type == 'function' or t_type == 'userdata' then
item = vim.inspect(item)
table.insert(formatted_args, item)
return table.concat(formatted_args, ' ')
_G.print = function(...)
vim.opt.mouse = 'a'
vim.opt.termguicolors = true
-- If you want to play around with this, you can set the do_clean
-- variable to false. This will allow changes made to
-- underlying plugins to persist between sessions, while
-- still keeping everything in its own directory so
-- as to not affect your existing neovim installation.
-- Setting this to true will result in a fresh clone of
-- all modules
local do_clean = true
local sep = vim.loop.os_uname().sysname:lower():match('windows') and '\\' or '/' -- \ for windows, mac and linux both use \
local mod_path = string.format("%s%sclean-test%s", vim.fn.stdpath('cache'), sep, sep)
if vim.loop.fs_stat(mod_path) and do_clean then
print("Found previous clean test setup. Cleaning it out")
-- Clearing out the mods directory and recreating it so
-- you have a fresh run everytime
vim.fn.delete(mod_path, 'rf')
vim.fn.mkdir(mod_path, 'p')
local modules = {
for _, module in ipairs(modules) do
local repo = module[1]
local branch = module.branch
local module_name = repo:match('/(.*)')
local module_path = string.format('%s%s%s', mod_path, sep, module_name)
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(module_name) then
-- The module doesn't exist, download it
local cmd = {
if branch then
table.insert(cmd, '--branch')
table.insert(cmd, branch)
table.insert(cmd, string.format('https://github.com/%s', repo))
table.insert(cmd, module_path)
local message = string.format("Downloaded %s", module_name)
if branch then
message = string.format("%s on branch %s", message, branch)
print("Finished installing plugins. Beginning Setup of plugins")
for _, module in ipairs(modules) do
if module.mod then
print(string.format("Loading %s", module.mod))
local success, err = pcall(require, module.mod)
if not success then
print(string.format("Failed to load module %s", module.mod))
-- --> Do you module setups below this line <-- --
icons = {
ui = {
bar = {
separator = " "
-- --> Do your module setups above this line <-- --
print("Completed minimal setup!")
Steps to reproduce
Change the separator (or I imagine anything within opts.ui)
Expected behavior
I am guessing what is happening is my provided table for opts.icons.ui.bar is being used wholesale instead of my changes being merged over the defaults. This results in dropbar not displaying anything for the items in the menu except the name and separator
Actual behavior
The icons for each item in the menu are gone
Additional information
I don't know if my above guess is correct, but if it is, its probably worth checking out :h vim.tbl_deep_extend to merge user provided config against the default. And if I am way off base, then I have no idea what is going on lol
I might be doing this incorrectly, but when I set the value of
to some string, all icons disappear as well.See below for an example
With no changes to options
With only separator change
Dropbar config
nvim version
NVIM v0.10.0-dev-422+g68e2d7229
dropbar.nvim version
Operating system and version
Arch Linux
Minimal config
Steps to reproduce
Change the separator (or I imagine anything within
)Expected behavior
I am guessing what is happening is my provided table for
is being used wholesale instead of my changes being merged over the defaults. This results in dropbar not displaying anything for the items in the menu except the name and separatorActual behavior
The icons for each item in the menu are gone
Additional information
I don't know if my above guess is correct, but if it is, its probably worth checking out
:h vim.tbl_deep_extend
to merge user provided config against the default. And if I am way off base, then I have no idea what is going on lol