BelinaJaroslav / DBS_2020

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Term paper DBS 2020


JDBC Driver installation in IntelliJ Idea

  1. Download the library
  2. Unpack the zip or tar.gz file
  3. Move mssql-jdbc-8.4.1.jre8.jar to current project into lib/ directory
  4. In IntelliJ, go to File > Project Structure > Modules > Dependencies > + > JAR or Directories > Select lib/mssql-jdbc-8.4.1.jre8.jar


  1. Open new terminal window
  2. Run database

    cd docker && docker-compose up

  3. Open new terminal window
  4. Run create script

    sqlcmd -S,15789 -U sa -P UPPERCASE_lowercase_10 -i db/scripts/create.sql

  5. Run insert script

    sqlcmd -S,15789 -U sa -P UPPERCASE_lowercase_10 -i db/scripts/insert.sql

Cleaning database structure and data

  1. Open docker app
  2. Go to Containers / Apps > delete container docker_sqlserver_tul_dbs_2020
  3. Go to Images > delete image docker_sqlserver_tul_dbs_2020
  4. Open terminal window
  5. Delete volumes with stored data

    docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q | grep docker_sql)


  1. Pick one of the issues assigned to you.
  2. Checkout master and pull current version

    git checkout master && git pull --rebase

  3. Create a new branch with name <issue-number>-<short-issue-description>.

    e.g. git checkout -b 1-add-readme

  4. Commit changes into the branch.
  5. Push commits to github.
  6. Create pull request with <your-branch-name> as a source and master as a target. Add link of the related issue into the comment of the pull request.
  7. Assign the PR to yourself and set someone else as a reviewer.
  8. Merge PR after reviewer accepts your changes.